
Top papers

Article Authors Citations
Nanotechnology and Global Security A.M. Ionescu (1)
Terrorism’s Evolution: Yesterday, Today, and Forever A.Nichols Pratt (1)
The Legal and Legitimate Combat Against COVID-19: German Curfew-related Case Law S. von Münchow (1)
The Potential Role of Women in Contributing to Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism: The Cases of Bosnia and Afghanistan F. Pilch (1)
Критическая энергетическая инфраструктура: операторы, НАТО и будущие вызовы (1)
Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism in Europe: Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahrir – Allies or Enemies? Z. Baran (1)
Armenia and Security Issues in the South Caucasus G.S. Asatryan (1)
Крот и колотушка: Исламское государство и Аль-Каида в «Тридцатилетней войне» на Ближнем Востоке (1)
Armenian Security and U.S. Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus H. Kotanjian (1)
Civilians in Defense Ministries T. Tagarev (1)
Pandemics and Armed Forces: Which Roles Are Appropriate? J.L. Clarke (1)
Conditions for Securitization of International Terrorism in Central Asia I. Chernykh; R. Burnashev (1)
Beyond Propaganda: Soviet Active Measures in Putin’s Russia S. Abrams (1)
DCAF’s Activities in Support of Effective and Democratically Transparent Defense Planning P. Fluri; E. Cole (1)
Security Agencies and Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry in Germany: Transparency vs. Confidentiality S. von Münchow (1)
The Prospects of Azerbaijan to Enhance Military Interoperability with NATO E. Nasirov; K. Iskandarov (1)
Labors of the New American Hercules: Transatlantic Relations in the Wake of the War with Iraq H. Gardner (1)
The Comprehensive Approach: NATO Responses from an Operational Standpoint – The Case of Afghanistan A. Kobieracki (1)
Theory and Current Practice of Deterrence in International Security T. Tagarev (1)
Building Partner Capacity Through Education: NATO Engagement with the Partnership for Peace J.M. Keagle; T.G. Petros (1)
Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Belt and Road Initiative F. Mouritz (1)
Постсоветские государства между Россией и ЕС: возрождение геополитического соперничества? Двойственная перспектива (1)
Global Islamism-Understanding and Strategy D.Douglas Belt (1)
U.S. Policy in the South Caucasus M.Brill Olcott (1)
Исламское государство входит в старую теплицу Аль-Каиды: Афганистан и Пакистан (1)
