The European Union and Strategic Competition In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
India's Stake and Role in the U.S.-China Strategic Competition In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Strategic Competition and the Battle of Narratives: A Sociopsychological Perspective In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Navigating the Trilemma of (In)security: Strategic Competition in the Black Sea Region In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Strategic Competition and U.S. National Strategies In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
China's 'Natural Return' to the Center - Beijing's Perspective on Strategic Competition, Drivers, and Alternative Models for World Order In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific: Between Constrainment and Co-optation In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
The Impact of International Sanctions on Russia: Challenges for Georgia In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
The Atlanticist Anglo-Saxon Reich and All That: How Russia Understands Strategic Confrontation In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Innovation and Technology in the Russo-Ukrainian War In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
The Black Sea Power Struggle: Geopolitical Tensions in the 21st Century In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
Prospects for EAEU Members' Cooperation with Crimea Following Its Disputed Accession to the Russian Federation In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
Murky Tides: Improving NATO's Defensive Posture in the Black Sea Basin In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
A Divided Arctic: Is an Ice Curtain Emerging? In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Goodbye Globalization? Hello 'Fragmentegration'! - The World Economy and Strategic Competition In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Hybrid Threats and Strategic Competition In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
The Growing Western Interest in the Black Sea In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 22., 2023.
Armed Violence as a Challenge to National Security: Critical Thinking Perspectives In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Quality Assurance in Military Higher Education Institutions: Worldwide Patterns and Trends In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Propaganda in Armed Conflict: Exploring Legal Ambiguities and Civilian Engagement In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
The Intelligence College in Europe: An Effort to Create a European Intelligence Community In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
Lifelong Education of Civil-Military Teachers in Higher Education in Croatia In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.