Education & training
A Theory of Change: 25 Years of the Partnership for Peace Consortium
A Theory of Change: 25 Years of the Partnership for Peace Consortium." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 149-168.
24.1.10_theory_of_change.pdf — Downloaded 234 times
The Evolution of DEEP Faculty Development under the Partnership for Peace Consortium
The Evolution of DEEP Faculty Development under the Partnership for Peace Consortium." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 129-147.
24.1.09_faculty_development.pdf — Downloaded 185 times
Reference Curricula: An Impactful Tool for Institutional Capacity Building?
Reference Curricula: An Impactful Tool for Institutional Capacity Building?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 113-127.
24.1.08_reference_curricula.pdf — Downloaded 212 times
From Civil-Military Relations to Resilience: The Fifth Wave of Strengthening Democracy through Research and Education
From Civil-Military Relations to Resilience: The Fifth Wave of Strengthening Democracy through Research and Education." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 73-90.
24.1.06_democratic_resilience.pdf — Downloaded 363 times
Sustaining Resilient Military Training in the Multi-Domain Era: Challenges and Opportunities
Sustaining Resilient Military Training in the Multi-Domain Era: Challenges and Opportunities." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 59-71.
24.1.05_adl.pdf — Downloaded 240 times
Shaping a Shared Future Through Scientific Cooperation: 25 Years of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group
Shaping a Shared Future Through Scientific Cooperation: 25 Years of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 47-58.
24.1.04_conflict_studies.pdf — Downloaded 150 times
When It Is Dark Enough, You Can See the Stars: A 25th Anniversary Reflection
When It Is Dark Enough, You Can See the Stars: A 25th Anniversary Reflection." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 11-16.
24.1.01_reflections.pdf — Downloaded 169 times
Twenty-Five Years of Excellence in Collaborative Research and Education
Twenty-Five Years of Excellence in Collaborative Research and Education." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 24, no. 1 (2025): 5-9.
24.1.00_editorial.pdf — Downloaded 165 times
Quality Assurance in Military Higher Education Institutions: Worldwide Patterns and Trends
Quality Assurance in Military Higher Education Institutions: Worldwide Patterns and Trends In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
23.1.10_kravets_preview.pdf — Downloaded 501 times

The Intelligence College in Europe: An Effort to Create a European Intelligence Community
The Intelligence College in Europe: An Effort to Create a European Intelligence Community In Connections: The Quarterly Journal. Vol. 23., 2024.
23.1.03_borghoff_preview.pdf — Downloaded 779 times