Technology as a Resilience Factor in Peace Operations
Technology as a Resilience Factor in Peace Operations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 4 (2020): 69-85.
19.4.05_nzioki_technology_peacebuilding.pdf — Downloaded 2528 times
UN peacekeeping can evolve to become a learning enterprise that seeks out and applies new technologies and innovations on a continuous basis, thereby enabling it to be better prepared for the future.[1]

Cryptographic Key Generation by Genetic Algorithms
Cryptographic Key Generation by Genetic Algorithms." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 1 (2019): 54-61.
4305_genetic_algorithms_crypto.pdf — Downloaded 3973 times
Blockchain and AI for the Next Generation Energy Grids: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities
Blockchain and AI for the Next Generation Energy Grids: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 1 (2019): 21-33.
4302-blockchain_ai_energy_grids.pdf — Downloaded 5513 times
Defence Technological and Industrial Base
he defence industrial base is examined as a key component of the defence potential of a country or an alliance. The lecture presents the trends in the evolution of the defence industries in the Euroatlantic area, along with national examples covering other countries. It provides analysis of the emergence of a ‘security industry’ in a defence-security continuum, supporting modern defence and security policies.
Biology’s Misuse Potential
Biology’s Misuse Potential." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 48-64.
Lentzos, Biology Misuse Potential — Downloaded 8145 times
Nanotechnology and Global Security
Nanotechnology and Global Security." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 31-47.
Ionescu, Nanotechnology and Global Security — Downloaded 7978 times
Industry and Policy: Partnerships in Disruptive Times
Industry and Policy: Partnerships in Disruptive Times." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 19-29.
van Bochoven, Industry, Policy, Partnerships — Downloaded 6173 times

Policy and the Internet of Things
Policy and the Internet of Things." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 9-18.
Costigan & Lindstrom, Policy and the Internet of Things — Downloaded 7745 times
C4ISR in Navy Transformation Role, Joint Research and Advanced Technology Demonstrations
C4ISR in Navy Transformation Role, Joint Research and Advanced Technology Demonstrations." Information & Security: An International Journal 13 (2004): 35-47.
13.03_Shalamanov.pdf — Downloaded 9019 times