HRM theories
Hofstede’s Power Distance Matrix: Law Enforcement Leadership Theory and Communication
Hofstede’s Power Distance Matrix: Law Enforcement Leadership Theory and Communication." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 1 (2022): 61-72.
21.1.04_law_enforcement_leadership.pdf — Downloaded 2263 times
Theoretical Background of the Research
Within the framework of intercultural communication, the theory of cultural dimensions is linked to the name of Geert Hofstede. With the help of factor analysis, Hofstede was able to compare the cultural effects of society with the value system of the members of society and thus evaluate the obtained results in relation to each other. The research results first ensured the creation of four, and later a fifth and a sixth dimension.

Leadership in Developing a Strategy for Military Human Resource Management as Part of Capabilities-Based Defense Planning
Leadership in Developing a Strategy for Military Human Resource Management as Part of Capabilities-Based Defense Planning." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 1 (2022): 45-59.
21.1.03_leadership_hrm.pdf — Downloaded 2005 times

Labour Relations and the Information Security of the State during the Covid-19 Pandemics
Labour Relations and the Information Security of the State during the Covid-19 Pandemics." Information & Security: An International Journal 45 (2020): 77-88.
4505_labour_relations_infosec_covid-19.pdf — Downloaded 2358 times
Integrated Approach to Cyber Defence: Human in the Loop. Technical Evaluation Report
Integrated Approach to Cyber Defence: Human in the Loop. Technical Evaluation Report." Information & Security: An International Journal 44 (2020): 76-92.
4407_sabev_integrated_cyber_defence_hf_ter.pdf — Downloaded 1520 times
Cognitive Biases in the Information Security Realm: Determinants, Examples and Mitigation
Cognitive Biases in the Information Security Realm: Determinants, Examples and Mitigation." Information & Security: An International Journal 44 (2020): 27-37.
4403_monev_cognitive_biases.pdf — Downloaded 1121 times
The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour
The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour." Information & Security: An International Journal 46, no. 3 (2020): 251-266.
4618_cybrsecure_behaviour.pdf — Downloaded 4184 times
Concerning Multinational Staff Efficiency and Future NATO Operations
Concerning Multinational Staff Efficiency and Future NATO Operations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 3, no. 4 (2004): 53-58.
03.4.06_kretchik.pdf — Downloaded 7111 times