Defense policy and planning
The Weaponization of Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Global Risk: A Perspective from the PfPC Emerging Security Challenges Working Group
Innovation and Technology in the Russo-Ukrainian War
Hybrid Threats and Strategic Competition
Growing Apart: The Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on the Former Soviet Space
Murky Tides: Improving NATO's Defensive Posture in the Black Sea Basin
The New Geopolitical Order in the Black Sea: Russia's Role in the Area
The Growing Western Interest in the Black Sea
Balancing Defense and Civil Support Tasks: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Bulgarian Military’s Roles
The Bulgarian armed forces, just like the armed forces in many other countries, have three main roles: defense of the sovereignty and the national territory, contribution to international peace and security, and contribution to internal security, particularly in times of crises. In peacetime, the third of these roles is most visible to society. The military contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic makes no exception.
The Concept of Deterrence and its Applicability in the Cyber Domain
Speaking about deterrence in the 21st century feels like excavating remnants of a bygone era. With the advent of nuclear technologies and mainly during the Cold war, deterrence was a topic not only for politicians and academia but also shaped the daily lives of millions, no matter which side of the ‘blocks’ they belonged to. Since then, deterrence diminished its presence in the public perception together with the nuclear arsenals of the great powers.
Beyond Punishment: Deterrence in the Digital Realm
he Comfortable Laziness of Deterrence Theory
Can anything new and meaningful be said of deterrence? Not necessarily starting from Hermocrates of Syracuse, any analysis of deterrence has at least to notice that deterrence, narrowly understood, refers to a threat of punishment.[1] At the same, it should be noted that a wider reading acknowledges two aspects of deterrence: punishment and denial.