Governance theories
How Networks of Social Cooperation Scale into Civilizations
For decades, the socioeconomic models that tested cooperation predicted that it would only endure in groups that developed social norms of commitment, trust, and reciprocity.[1] But as Mathew Jackson noted, and what still holds, those predictions invariably have drawn from models that address small groups of agents and ignore questions of how communities build networks into historical regimes with the capacity to create bonds extending beyond kinship and lineage.
Defense Against Negative Strategic Communications
Strategic messaging is ever more important in the age of explosive social media. So much information flows to and through societies, governments and individuals that any attempt to organize and make sense of the data is welcome for its ability to be consumed. Not all information on the Internet is benign. Some individuals and organizations work to manipulate the information to represent their views. Some go beyond and use information as a tool to persuade. Some governments weaponize data into propaganda to purposefully harm other nations.
Governing Functions in Defence
This lecture introduces the concept of governance, the main pillars of management (plannig; organising and staffing; directing and leading; monitoring and controlling) and distinguishes between three key governance functionss in deefence: command and control; management; and political guidance and oversight. It compares the main principles, roles and responsibilities in the implementation of each of the gooverning functions.
Cultural Foundations of Transparent Governments
Governance, Management, Command, Leadership: Setting the Context for Studies of Defence Management