Chains, Continuums, and Virtuous Cycles: Parsing Taiwan’s Strategic Narratives and Soft Power Leadership in the Indo-Pacific
Chains, Continuums, and Virtuous Cycles: Parsing Taiwan’s Strategic Narratives and Soft Power Leadership in the Indo-Pacific." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 1 (2022): 89-103.
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The Impact of Organizational Design and Leadership on Strategic Communications
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Leadership in the Defense and Security Sector in the 21st Century
Leadership in the Defense and Security Sector in the 21st Century." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 1 (2022): 5-9.
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Leadership is the art of dealing with people.

Obstacles in Inter-Organizational Cooperation and Hybrid Threats
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Governance, Management, Command, Leadership: Setting the Context for Studies of Defence Management
Governance, Management, Command, Leadership: Setting the Context for Studies of Defence Management." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 15-43. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009.
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