Human Security
Pandemics and Armed Forces: Which Roles Are Appropriate?
Pandemics and Armed Forces: Which Roles Are Appropriate?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 2 (2020): 77-88.
19.2.06_clarke_pandemics-armed_forces_roles.pdf — Downloaded 3596 times
"The Military’s Response to Pandemic Disease
The Covid-19 crisis has caused leaders in all affected countries to turn to their armed forces for support in an ever-expanding range of roles. Armed forces are being tasked to provide capabilities that, in many instances, go beyond what they have provided in past crises. It must be expected that these demands will continue to mount even as the current crisis abates, as the pandemic is expected to remain a top national concern for months to come.

A Human Rights and Ethical Lens on Security and Human Dignity: The Case Study of Syrian Asylum Seekers
A Human Rights and Ethical Lens on Security and Human Dignity: The Case Study of Syrian Asylum Seekers." Information & Security: An International Journal 33, no. 1 (2015): 35-53.
Human Rights Lens on Security - Syrian Asylum Seekers — Downloaded 8191 times