Education & Training

Education & Training

Education & Training, Cyber exercises

An Experience Report on Education and Training Programme in Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures

Imeca-Based Technique for Security Assessment of Private Communications: Technology and Training

Serein Project: Modernization of Postgraduate Studies on Security and Resilience for Human and Industry Related Domains

Cybersecurity Strategy’s Role in Raising Kenyan Awareness of Mobile Internet Threats

Okuku, Angela, Karen Renaud, and Brandon Valeriano. "Cybersecurity Strategy’s Role in Raising Kenyan Awareness of Mobile Internet Threats." Information & Security: An International Journal 32, no. 2 (2015): 155-174.

Training of staff on issues of cybersecurity

The main content of the topic includes issues related to the development of a training program for staff on matters relating to cybersecurity. Specify the key features, among which fall the program's objectives, specification program, tailored to the needs of teaching staff etc. Takes stock of the possible forms of the training as a comment on their advantages and disadvantages. For the trainers it is important the audience of the lectures are held and which can be divided into several categories - strategic management, supervisors and executives.
