Democratic oversight
Hybrid Warfare and Societal Resilience: Implications for Democratic Governance
Hybrid Warfare and Societal Resilience: Implications for Democratic Governance." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 1 (2018): 63-76.
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The Obama Administration and Incident Response: A Report
The Obama Administration and Incident Response: A Report." Information & Security: An International Journal 34, no. 2 (2016): 105-120.
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Security Sector Reform Wisdom for Cyber Security Institution Building: The Case of Serbia
Security Sector Reform Wisdom for Cyber Security Institution Building: The Case of Serbia." Information & Security: An International Journal 34, no. 1 (2016): 69-90.
3406_sekuloski_sybersecurity_institution_building.pdf — Downloaded 3886 times