Defence Insdustry
Defence Technological and Industrial Base
he defence industrial base is examined as a key component of the defence potential of a country or an alliance. The lecture presents the trends in the evolution of the defence industries in the Euroatlantic area, along with national examples covering other countries. It provides analysis of the emergence of a ‘security industry’ in a defence-security continuum, supporting modern defence and security policies.
Key Issues in the Implementation of the EU Global Strategy and the Evolution of European Defence
Industry and Policy: Partnerships in Disruptive Times
Industry and Policy: Partnerships in Disruptive Times." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 2 (2016): 19-29.
van Bochoven, Industry, Policy, Partnerships — Downloaded 6152 times

EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: It is Time for Change (in Bulgarian)
EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: It is Time for Change (in Bulgarian) In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
Views_019.pdf — Downloaded 5745 times
След повече от шест пропуснати години, през тази седмица ще се състои Европейски съвет, посветен специално на Общата политика за сигурност и отбрана (ОПСО).