Countering corruption
Corruption as a Cybersecurity Threat in the New World Order
Corruption as a Cybersecurity Threat in the New World Order." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 2 (2021): 75-87.
20.2.07_corruption.pdf — Downloaded 2917 times
Historically, ensuring security depended on the state’s power and economic and military potential. Today’s state has to add one more component to the list of obligations – to protect the digitalized parts of the state and societal activities.[1] Ensuring cybersecurity is one of the obligatory functions of modern countries to support and improve the system of holistic protection of society by the state.

Cross-domain Coercion as Russia’s Endeavor to Weaken the Eastern Flank of NATO: A Latvian Case Study
Cross-domain Coercion as Russia’s Endeavor to Weaken the Eastern Flank of NATO: A Latvian Case Study." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 1-2 (2019).
"Cross-domain Coercion as Russia’s Endeavor to Weaken the Eastern Flank of NATO: A Latvian Case Study
Cross-domain Coercion as Russia’s Endeavor to Weaken the Eastern Flank of NATO: A Latvian Case Study." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 1 (2019): 43-60.
18.1.03_cross-domain_coercion.pdf — Downloaded 1179 times

Evolving Security Concepts: The Premium on Governance in the Case of Bulgaria
Evolving Security Concepts: The Premium on Governance in the Case of Bulgaria." Information & Security: An International Journal 33, no. 2 (2015): 83-107.
Security Perceptions - The Premium on Governance in the Case of Bulgaria — Downloaded 7547 times