Budgeting for capabilities
This lecture presents defence budgets and budgeting from the point of view of (potentially to be) delivered defence capabilities.
Currently, lecture materials are in Bulgarian. Some of the key references are in English and openly accessible on this website.
Scenarios for Resource Allocation to Bulgaria’s Defense in the Horizon of 2035
Scenarios for Resource Allocation to Bulgaria’s Defense in the Horizon of 2035." Journal of Defense Management 4, no. 1 (2014).
scenarios-for-resource-allocation-to-bulgarias-defense-in-the-horizon-of-2035-2167-0374.1000119.pdf — Downloaded 10673 times
Managing Finances
Managing Finances." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 93-123. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009.
Managing Finances — Downloaded 2905 times