
21st Century Cyber Warfare

Ronchi, Alfredo M.. "21st Century Cyber Warfare." Information & Security: An International Journal 44 (2020): 53-61.

This article provides a synthetic description of the discontinuity between the evolution of warfare as it was in a pre-cyber era and the switch to cyber warfare. The evolution from bronze to iron weapons, and later to gunpower weapons and flying objects does not compare with the cyber era warfare; even UAVs and “intelligent” rockets do not provide a significant understanding of the actual and near future scenarios. Cyber technology is nowadays pervasive and utilised world-wide.

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Exploring the Role of the Human Factor in Cybersecurity: Results from an Expert Survey in Bulgaria

Fighting the First Battle of Cyberspace Preparedness: Finding Your Reserve Cyber-Warriors

Hybrid Warfare and Cyber Effects in Energy Infrastructure

Maliarchuk, Tamara, Yuriy Danyk, and Chad Briggs. "Hybrid Warfare and Cyber Effects in Energy Infrastructure." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 1 (2019): 93-110.


Discussions of hybrid warfare have often centered on definitional debates over the precise nature of the term, and whether ‘hybrid’ covers what other military experts describe as nonlinear warfare, full-spectrum warfare, fourth-generation warfare, or other such terms. Similarly, discussions of cyber conflict have treated the phenomenon as a separate domain, as if using cyber tools remained distinct from other forms of conflict.

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Observing, Measuring and Collecting HDD Performance Metrics on a Physical Machine During Ransomware Attack

Design of Technical Methods for Analysing Network Security Based on Identification of Network Traffic Anomalies
