Most cited

Article Authors Citations
A Gaming Approach to Enhancing Defense Resource Allocation T. Tagarev; G. Stankov (1)
COVID 19 and No One’s World: What Impact for the European Union? R. Roloff (1)
Critical Energy Infrastructure: Operators, NATO, and Facing Future Challenges D. Kerigan-Kyrou (1)
National Cyber Security Strategy and the Emergence of Strong Digital Borders S. Goel (1)
Capabilities-Based Defense Planning: Techniques Applicable to NATO and Partnership for Peace Countries T.D. Young (1)
U.S. Policy Toward the Caspian and Black Sea Region T. Valasek (1)
Культурологические Основы Прозрачного Управления (1)
Trafficking Routes and Links to Terrorism in South Eastern Europe: The Case of Romania L.Ovidia Vreja (1)
A Neutral’s Perspective: The Role of the Austrian Armed Forces in Homeland Security J. Frank (1)
Nanotechnology and Global Security A.M. Ionescu (1)
A Comprehensive Approach to Modern Conflict: Afghanistan and Beyond M. Crawshaw; J. Rose; M. Erdmann; R. Loftis; J. Soligan; E. Edelman; H.Ç. etin (1)
Serbia’s Orientation Challenge and Ways to Overcome It V. Pavičić (1)
The Potential Role of Women in Contributing to Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism: The Cases of Bosnia and Afghanistan F. Pilch (1)
Критическая энергетическая инфраструктура: операторы, НАТО и будущие вызовы (1)
Terrorism’s Evolution: Yesterday, Today, and Forever A.Nichols Pratt (1)
The Legal and Legitimate Combat Against COVID-19: German Curfew-related Case Law S. von Münchow (1)
Armenia and Security Issues in the South Caucasus G.S. Asatryan (1)
Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism in Europe: Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahrir – Allies or Enemies? Z. Baran (1)
Armenian Security and U.S. Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus H. Kotanjian (1)
Крот и колотушка: Исламское государство и Аль-Каида в «Тридцатилетней войне» на Ближнем Востоке (1)
Conditions for Securitization of International Terrorism in Central Asia I. Chernykh; R. Burnashev (1)
Beyond Propaganda: Soviet Active Measures in Putin’s Russia S. Abrams (1)
Civilians in Defense Ministries T. Tagarev (1)
Pandemics and Armed Forces: Which Roles Are Appropriate? J.L. Clarke (1)
DCAF’s Activities in Support of Effective and Democratically Transparent Defense Planning P. Fluri; E. Cole (1)
