International Relations
India's Stake and Role in the U.S.-China Strategic Competition
India's Stake and Role in the U.S.-China Strategic Competition." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 92-105.
23.2.10_india.pdf — Downloaded 184 times
The European Union and Strategic Competition
The European Union and Strategic Competition." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 72-91.
23.2.11_bastian.pdf — Downloaded 176 times
The Atlanticist Anglo-Saxon Reich and All That: How Russia Understands Strategic Confrontation
The Atlanticist Anglo-Saxon Reich and All That: How Russia Understands Strategic Confrontation." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 46-71.
23.2.04_herd.pdf — Downloaded 87 times
Strategic Competition and U.S. National Strategies
Strategic Competition and U.S. National Strategies." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 33-45.
23.2.07_neumeyer.pdf — Downloaded 160 times
China's 'Natural Return' to the Center - Beijing's Perspective on Strategic Competition, Drivers, and Alternative Models for World Order
China's 'Natural Return' to the Center - Beijing's Perspective on Strategic Competition, Drivers, and Alternative Models for World Order." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 21-32.
23.2.06_china.pdf — Downloaded 124 times
The Myth of Bipolarity: How to Understand Strategic Competition in a Globalized World
The Myth of Bipolarity: How to Understand Strategic Competition in a Globalized World." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 7-20.
23.2.00_hagemann.pdf — Downloaded 90 times
Welcome to the Latest Issue of Connections: The Quarterly Journal
Welcome to the Latest Issue of Connections: The Quarterly Journal." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 23, no. 2 (2024): 5-6.
23.2.13_welcome.pdf — Downloaded 483 times
The New Geopolitical Order in the Black Sea: Russia's Role in the Area
The New Geopolitical Order in the Black Sea: Russia's Role in the Area." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 3 (2023): 45-58.
22.3.06_russia_role.pdf — Downloaded 93 times
The Black Sea: A Sea of Conflicts
The Black Sea: A Sea of Conflicts." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 3 (2023): 5-14.
22.3.00_black_sea_conflicts.pdf — Downloaded 70 times
Kremlinism: Russia's Malign Civilizational Force
Kremlinism: Russia's Malign Civilizational Force." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 2 (2023): 11-24.
22.2.23_kremlinism.pdf — Downloaded 314 times