
Armenia and the South Caucasus: A New Security Environment

Branch, Anthony R.. "Armenia and the South Caucasus: A New Security Environment." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 2 (2018): 47-60.


Purpose, Scope and Key Assumptions

The purpose of this article is to examine the geopolitics and the security environment of the South Caucasus and, more specifically, the security challenges Armenia is expected to face over the next five years.

17.2.04_branch_armenia.pdf — Downloaded 4330 times

Foreign Terrorist Fighters from the North Caucasus: Understanding Islamic State Influence in the Region

Arms Control Arrangements under the Aegis of the OSCE: Is There a Better Way to Handle Compliance?

Dunay, Pàl. "Arms Control Arrangements under the Aegis of the OSCE: Is There a Better Way to Handle Compliance?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 3 (2017): 57-71.

Arms Control under OSCE — Downloaded 3729 times
Arms Control under OSCE -- EPUB — Downloaded 4259 times
Arms Control under OSCE -- for Kindle — Downloaded 4354 times

The South Caucasus: A playground between NATO and Russia?

Nasirov, Elman, Khayal Iskandarov, and Sadi Sadiyev. "The South Caucasus: A playground between NATO and Russia?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 3 (2017): 47-56.


South Caucasus Playground — Downloaded 3844 times
South Caucasus Playground -- EPUB — Downloaded 4395 times
South Caucasus Playground -- for Kindle — Downloaded 4405 times
