Статьия Авторы Цитирования
Introduction to Program-based Defense Resource Management (7)
The Art of Shaping Defense Policy: Scope, Components, Relationships (but no Algorithms) (5)
NATO and the South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia on Different Tracks (4)
Terror-Crime Nexus? Terrorism and Arms, Drug, and Human Trafficking in Georgia (3)
Terrorist Routes in Central Asia: Trafficking Drugs, Humans, and Weapons (3)
Making Sense of Hybrid Warfare (3)
Defense Policy and Reforms in Bulgaria since the End of the Cold War: A Critical Analysis (3)
Between Minimum Force and Maximum Violence: Combating Political Violence Movements with Third-Force Options (3)
Twenty First Century Defense Acquisition: Challenges and Opportunities (3)
Responding to the Cyber Threat: A UK Military Perspective (2)
Mind the Three Transatlantic Power Gaps: How a New Framework Can Help Reinvent the Transatlantic Relationship (2)
Post-Soviet States Between Russia and the EU: Reviving Geopolitical Competition? A Dual Perspective (2)
The Routes of Terrorism and Trafficking from Central Asia to Western Europe (2)
Terrorist Routes in South Eastern Europe (2)
Beyond Defense Planning (2)
Deterrence in Eastern Europe in Theory and Practice (2)
Summary of Conclusions: Combating Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) (2)
Cyber Defence in Germany: Challenges and the Way Forward for the Bundeswehr (2)
Future Visions of NATO Partnerships and Cooperation Programs (2)
Смысл гибридной войны Д.К. Уизер (2)
The Role of Italy’s Military in Supporting the Civil Authorities (2)
Deterrence and Defense at the Eastern Flank of NATO and the EU: Readiness and Interoperability in the Context of Forward Presence (2)
Исламское государство входит в старую теплицу Аль-Каиды: Афганистан и Пакистан М.Канва Шейх (1)
NATO Crisis Management: Cooperation with PfP Partners and Other International Organizations (1)
The Western Balkan Countries in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Policy Recommendations (1)
