Статьия Авторы Цитирования
Introduction to Program-based Defense Resource Management (7)
The Art of Shaping Defense Policy: Scope, Components, Relationships (but no Algorithms) (5)
NATO and the South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia on Different Tracks (4)
Defense Policy and Reforms in Bulgaria since the End of the Cold War: A Critical Analysis (3)
Between Minimum Force and Maximum Violence: Combating Political Violence Movements with Third-Force Options (3)
Twenty First Century Defense Acquisition: Challenges and Opportunities (3)
Terror-Crime Nexus? Terrorism and Arms, Drug, and Human Trafficking in Georgia (3)
Terrorist Routes in Central Asia: Trafficking Drugs, Humans, and Weapons (3)
Making Sense of Hybrid Warfare (3)
Beyond Defense Planning (2)
Deterrence in Eastern Europe in Theory and Practice (2)
Cyber Defence in Germany: Challenges and the Way Forward for the Bundeswehr (2)
Deterrence and Defense at the Eastern Flank of NATO and the EU: Readiness and Interoperability in the Context of Forward Presence (2)
Summary of Conclusions: Combating Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) (2)
Responding to the Cyber Threat: A UK Military Perspective (2)
Future Visions of NATO Partnerships and Cooperation Programs (2)
The Role of Italy’s Military in Supporting the Civil Authorities (2)
Mind the Three Transatlantic Power Gaps: How a New Framework Can Help Reinvent the Transatlantic Relationship (2)
Post-Soviet States Between Russia and the EU: Reviving Geopolitical Competition? A Dual Perspective (2)
The Routes of Terrorism and Trafficking from Central Asia to Western Europe (2)
Terrorist Routes in South Eastern Europe (2)
Planning and Development of Defense Institutions in a Time of Transformation (1)
A Special Relationship: U.S. and NATO Engagement with the Partnership for Peace to Build Partner Capacity Through Education (1)
The Legal and Legitimate Combat Against COVID-19: German Curfew-related Case Law (1)
Russian Oil and Gas Challenges (1)
