Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Costigan, Sean, and Todor Tagarev. "Good Practices and Challenges in Organizing for Cybersecurity." Information & Security: An International Journal 32, no. 1 (2015): 5-8. Caymaz, Ebru, and Fahri Erenel. Addressing the Need of Qualified Personnel in Defense Industry: The Turkish Case In 7th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century. Braşov, 2012. Melnykovska, Inna, and Rainer Schweickert. NATO als ein potentieller Katalysator derinstitutionellen Konvergenz – der Fall Ukraine. Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, 2008. . "Общотеоретични проблеми на планирането на способности за защита на морския суверенитет." Военен журнал Военен журнал, no. 6 (2006). Radulov, Ivo. "Процесен подход за управление в отбраната." Военен журнал 116, no. 5 (2009). Radulov, Ivo. Моделиране на процесите на управление на ресурсите за отбрана. София: Военна академия „Г.С. Раковски”, 2009. Tagarev, Todor. On Bulgaria’s Defence Policy 2015-2020 In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2015. Financial and Economic Data Relating to NATO Defence In COMMUNIQUE., 2014. Georgiev, Venelin. "Embedding affordability assessments in military cost-benefit analysis: Defense Modernization in Bulgaria." Military Cost–Benefit Analysis: Theory and practice 13 (2015). , and . "Оборонний оглядяк механізм визначення перспектив реформування оборонної сфери України." Наука і оборона 13, no. 2 (2009). ITU Statistics., 2015. Вълков, Иван. "Особености и предизвикателства при планирането на отбраната, базирано на способности, за развитието на въоръжените сили на Република България." Годишник на Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски” Факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана” 2 (2013). Furter, Denise. The Influence of Legislation and Government Policy on Patterns of International Defence Trade and Future Markets: The Case of Offset and Directive 2009/81/EC In Doctoral thesis submitted to Brunel University United Kingdom ., 2014. Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Protection of Personal Data”., 2008. Law No. 9918, dated 19.05.2008 on “Electronic Communications in the Republic of Albania”., 2008. Law No. 9859, dated 21.1.2008 “The Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania”. On some additions and amendments to the Law No.7895, dated 27.1.1995 ed., 2008. Fiott, Daniel. "French White Paper on Defence and National Security: Peacebuilding, NATO, Nuclear Weaponsand Space." European Security Review 40 (2008). Law No. 10023, dated 27.11.2008, “The Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania”. On some additions and amendments to the Law No.7895, dated 27.1.1995 ed., 2008. . "Роля на операционния анализ и интегралното използване на цивилна и военна експертиза." In Интегритет в отбраната: Ефективно, прозрачно и отговорно управление. Августина Цветкова ed. Vol. 119-151. София: Инициатива за Евро-атлантическо образоване, 2009. Law No. 10054, dated 29.12.2008, “Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Albania”. On some additions and amendments to the Law No.7905, dated 21.3.1995 ed., 2008. Law No. 144/2013, “The Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania” . On some additions and amendments to the Law No.7895, dated 27.1.1995 ed., 2013. Decision of the Council of Ministers No.766, dated 14.9.2011, “On setting up the national Agency for Cyber Security“., 2011. Kılaz, İlker, and Kadir Hayri. Improving the Transparency/Anti-corruption Efforts in Defense Procurement: Recommendations from Global Practices In 145 pp. Monterey, CA:: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. Huyck, Charles K., Beverley J. Adams, Sungbin Cho, Ronald T. Eguchi, Babak Mansouri, and Bijan Houshmand. Methodologies for Post-Earthquake Building Damage Detection Using SAR and Optical Remote Sensing. Marmara, Turkey : Earthquake, 2004. Cappello, F., R. Sabatini, and S. Ramasamy. Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Techniques for RPAS Detect, Track and Avoid., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 … следваща › последна »