IT for security news


Joint Research and Industrial Expert Forum 2019

IT for Security DepartmentInstitute of ICT in cooperation with ADIS is organizing a joint research & industrial expert forum 'Transcending Digital Disruptions in the Post-Informational Age'

Driver+ reports now accessible online

Public deliverables of the Driver+ project, that have been recently approved by the EC, are now available online at


Driver+ Trial 1

From 21 to 25 May, DRIVER+ held its first Trial in Warsaw. We are delighted to inform all our partners on the successful outcome.

You may see the official video at

For more information you may see the Trial 1 Press Release below.


Forum: Future Digital Society Resilience in the New Digital Age

IT for Security department has successfully organized a Joint Research & Industrial Expert Forum "Future Digital Society Resilience in the New Digital Age."


Scientific session for the anniversary of "IT for Security"

On 22 December 2014 our department turns 10. To mark this anniversary, we invite all our associates, partners, and would be collaborators to join our celebration and inform us on their current research, findings, and future plans. For more information on the scientific session and the location see this announcement.


Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges. International Best Practices

Prof. Tagarev and Dr. Minchev will speak to the International conference "Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges. International Best Practices", to start on December 1st, at 13.30, in the Central Military Club in Sofia.


Crisis Management study tour to France

In the week of 24 November 2014 Amb. Valeri Ratchev from CSDM participated in a study tour to France for Kyrgyz government officials, with the purpose  to understand and reflect on the crisis management system operated by the French Government.


Speaking to the conference of commandants of the African Union

Amb. Valeri Ratchev will participate as guest speaker in the Annual Conference of Commandants of defence academies of the African Union (African Conference of Commandants). The event will take place in the new building of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 3-5 December 2014.