
Export 21409 results:
The Criminal Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36/03, 37/03, 21/04, 69/04, 18/05, 42/10, 42/11, 59/14, 76/14, 2003.
The Criminal Law of Republic of Srpska. Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, 49/03, 108/04, 37/06, 70/06, 73/10, 1/12, 67/13, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law. Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3/03, 32/03, 36/03, 26/04, 63/04, 13/05, 48/05, 46/06, 76/06, 29/07, 32/07, 53/07, 76/07, 15/08, 58/08, 12/09, 16/09, 93/09, 72/13, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law of Brčko District. Official Gazette of Brčko District, 10/03, 48/04, 06/05, 12/07, 14/07, 21/07, 27/14, 2003.
The Criminal Procedural Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 35/03, 37/03, 56/03, 78/04, 28/05, 55/06, 27/07, 53/07, 09/09, 12/10, 08/13, 59/14, 2003.
Shelley, John F.. Criminology. SPB Academic Publishing, 2003.
Moteff, John, Claudia Copeland, and John Fischer. Critical Infrastructures: What Makes an Infrastructure Critical., 2003.
Prlenda, Antonio. Croatian helicopter crews fly for KFOR In ., 2003.
Leung, Kai-Chi, L.M. Cheng, Anthony S. Fong, and Chi- Kwong Chan. "Cryptanalysis of a Modified Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 49, no. 4 (2003): 1243-1245.
Chien, Hung-Yu, Jinn-Ke Jan, and Yuh-Min Tseng. "Cryptanalysis on Mu-Varadharajan’s e-Voting Schemes." Applied Mathematics and Computation 139, no. 2-3 (2003): 525-530.
Djordjevic, Ivan. "The Current Security Situation in Serbia: Challenges Following the Assassination of Prime Minister Djindjic." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 2 (2003): 39-43.
Küllmer, M.. "The Current State on Civil-Military Relations in Germany." In First Swiss Summer School on Democratic Governance of Civil- Military Relations., 2003.
Cyber War; The Warnings?. PBS Frontline, 2003.
Reiterer, Albert F.. Cyprus. Case study about a failure of ethno-national understanding . Frankfurt am Main, 2003.
Stuart, Julia. "Dark Side of Peacekeeping: Kofi Annan is Calling for UN Troops to be sent to Liberia." The Independent (2003).
Adomeit, Hannes. Das Militär in Tschetschenien: Hindernis auf dem Weg zu einer politischen Lösung In Diskussionspapier der Forschungsgruppe Russland., 2003.
Mény, Yves. "De la Democratie en Europe: Old Concepts and New Challenges." Journal of Common Market Studies 4, no. 1 (2003): 1-13.
Arkoun, Mohammed, and Joseph Maïla. De Manhattan à Bagdad – Au-delà du Bien et du Mal. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2003.
Decision No. 531, dated August 1, 2003, on the “Organization, Functioning, Duties and Responsibilities of Civil Emergency Service”., 2003.
Decision No. 532, dated August 1, 2003 on the “Responsibilities and Duties of the Department of Planning for and Overcoming Civil Emergencies“., 2003.
Decision No. 533, dated August 1, 2003 on the “Involvement of Citizens in Prevention and Overcoming Civil Emergencies”., 2003.
Decision no. 95/2003 on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances., 2003.
Declaration, EU–Western Balkans Summit, C/03/163 In EU–Western Balkans Summit, C/03/163. 10229/03 ed. Thessaloniki, 2003.
Defence and Security Sector Governance and Reform in South East Europe: Insights and Perspectives: A Self-Assessment Study., 2003.
Wang, Xiaofeng, and Michael K. Reiter. Defending Against Denial-of-Service Attacks with Puzzle Auctions In 2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy., 2003.
