
Export 21408 results:
Santesson, Stefan, Tim Polk, Petra Barzin, and Magnus Nystrom. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Qualified Certificates Profile In The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)., 2001.
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Buchmann, Johannes. Introduction to Cryptography. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
A. Samii, William. "Iran and Chechnya: Realpolitik at Work." Middle East Policy 8, no. 1 (2001).
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Munson, Ziad. "Islamic Mobilization: Social Movement Theory and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood." Sociological Quarterly 42, no. 4 (2001): 487-510.
Malashenko, Aleksey. Islamskie orientiry Severnogo Kavkaza. Moscow: Gendalf, 2001.
Frank, Diane. "IT Firms Unite to Share Security Info." Federal Computer Week (2001).
Zaprianov, Atanas. "IT-related Challenges Facing the Bulgarian Armed Forces and Their Performance Related Impact." Information & Security: An International Journal 6 (2001): 23-29.
Zawati, Hilmi. Is Jihad a Just War? War, Peace, and Human Rights under Islamic and Public International Law . Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2001.
Chaturvedi, B.K.. Kautilya’s Arthashastra. Dimond Pocket Books, 2001.
Fröhlich, Manuel. Keeping Track of UN Peace-keeping: Suez, Srebrenica, Rwanda and the Brahimi Report In Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law. Vol. 5., 2001.
Zawahiri, Ayman Al. "Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner—Meditations on the Jihadist Movement." Al-Sharq al-Awsat (2001).
Schmidt-Bleibtreu, Bruno. Kommentar zum Grundgesetz. 10th ed. Verlag Luchterhand, 2001.
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Wippman, David. "Kosovo and the Limits of International Law." Fordham International Law Journal 25 (2001): 129-150.
Krieger, Heike. The Kosovo Conflict and International Law: An Analytical Documentation 1974–1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
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Aguayo, Sergio. La charola: Una historia de los servicios de inteligencia en México. México, D.F.: Grijalbo, 2001.
Haycock, R. G.. "“The Labours of Athena and the Muses: Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Canadian Military Education." Canadian Military Journal (2001): 8.
Moyo, Sam.. "The Land Occupation Movement and Democratisation in Zimbabwe: Contradictions of Neoliberalism." Millennium: Journal of International Studies 30, no. 2 (2001): 311-330.
Alexakhin, Rudolf M., Ye.G. Drozhko, L.A. Ilyin, Ivan Kryshev, I.I. Linge, G.N. Romanov, M.N. Savki, V.A. Gubanov, and L.A. Buldakov. "Large Radiation Accidents: Consequences and Protective Countermeasures." In Twenty Years of the Chernobyl Accident, Results and Problems in Eliminating Its Consequences in Russia 1986–2006. Moscow, 2001.
