
Export 21408 results:
Chufrin, Gennady. "Putin’s Domestic Policy: Its Implications for National Security." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1, no. 2 (2002): 9-19.
Antonenko, Oksana. "Putin’s Gamble." Survival 43 4 (2002): 49-60.
Kryshtanovskaya, Ol’ga. "Putin’s Regime: A Liberal Militocracy." Pro et Contra 7, no. 4 (2002): 158-180.
Weick, Karl. "Puzzles in organizational learning: An exercise in disciplined imagination." British Journal of Management, no. Special Issue (2002): S7-S15.
Pyat stran – pyat pozitsyi” In Five Countries–Five Positions., 2002.
Questionnaire on Fiscal Transparency, International Monetary Fund., 2002.
Mearsheimer, John J.. "Realism, the Real World, and the Academy." In Realism and Institutionalism in International Studies, 23-33. Vol. 23-33. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2002.
Mearsheimer, John J.. Realism, the Real World, and the Academy, in Millennial Reflections on International Studies. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 2002.
Editorial. "Reasoning and Object-Oriented Data Processing for Multisensor Data Fusion." Information & Security: An International Journal 9 (2002): 5-10.
Dévai, Katalin, Eamon Cahill, and Norbert Gallagher. "RECORD’s Brighton conference – a summary." In A methodology for benchmarking RTDI organisations in CEE. Brighton-Budapest, 2002.
Caparini, Marina. “Reform: Issues and Experiences In paper presented at the Fifth International Security Forum. Zurich, 2002.
Vlachová, Marie. Reform of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic: A Success or a Failure In Working Paper Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2002.
Donnelly, Christopher. "Reform Realities." In Post-Cold War Defense Reform. Washington, D.C.: Brassey, 2002.
Labarre, Frederic. "Regional Integration through the Stability Pact." In The Stability Pact for South East Europe—Dawn of an Era of Regional Cooperation?, 130. Vienna: National Defense University, 2002.
Burnashev, Rustam. "Regional Security in Central Asia: Military Aspects." In Central Asia: A Gathering Storm. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2002.
Andrews, John D., and Robert T. Moss. Reliability and Risk Assessment. Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.
Bush, George W.. Remarks, Vilnius 2002 In 23 Novem 2002., 2002.
Lee, Cheng-Chi, Li-Hua Li, and Min-Shiang Hwang. "A Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Hash Functions." ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36, no. 4 (2002): 23-29.
Lee, Cheng-Chi, Li-Hua Li, and Min-Shiang Hwang. "A Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards." ACM Operating Systems Review 36, no. 4 (2002): 23-29.
Report by Marat Khadjimukhamedov, Deputy Director, Ijtimoiy Fikr Public Opinion Center, RFE/RL. Security Watch, 2002.
Mazlack, Lawrence J.. Representation, Uncertain Imprecision, and Dependency In North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. New Orleans: NAFIPS , 2002.
Asonov, Dmitri, and Johann-Christoph Freytag. "Repudiative Information Retrieval." In ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. Washington, DC, USA, 2002.
Ratchev, Valeri, Velizar Shalamanov, and Todor Tagarev. "Reshaping Bulgarian Armed Forces for the 21st Century." In Bulgaria for NATO 2002. Sofia: Institute for Regional and International Studies, 2002.
Folke, Carl. "Resilience and Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of Transformations." AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 31, no. 5 (2002): 437-440.
Results of a Pilot Survey of Forty Selected Organized Criminal Groups in Sixteen Countries In United Nations Publications. UNODC, 2002.
