
Export 21408 results:
Halbach, Uwe. "Krieg am Rande Europas. Der Tschetschenienkonflikt in neuem Licht?" SWP-Aktuell 45 (2002): 4.
Kyrgyzstan’s Unrest Linked to Clan Rivalries., 2002.
Hébert, Jean-Paul. "L’Européanisation de l’Industrie d’Armement et l’Autonomie Stratégique de l’Europe." Arès 19, no. 48 (2002): 45-59.
Petiteville, Franck. "L’Union Européenne comme acteur international ‘global.’ Un agenda de recherche." Revue Internationale et Stratégique 47, no. 3 (2002): 145-57.
Howorth, Jolyon. "La France, l'OTAN et la sécurité européenne: statu quo ingérable, renouveau introuvable." Politique étrangère (2002).
Brummer, Daan. "Labour migration and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa – Table 1." In Labour migration and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. Pretoria: South Africa: International Organisation on Migration – Regional Office for Sothern Africa, 2002.
R. Burns, Nicholas. Launching NATO’s Transformation at Prague In Manfred Woerner Memorial Lecture. Berlin, Germany: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2002.
Law No. 8897 dated May 16, 2002 on “Protection of air from pollution”., 2002.
Law No. 8934, dated September 5, 2002 on the “Protection of Environment”., 2002.
Law on Basics of National Defence of Lithuania., 2002.
Law on Biological Diversity. State Gazette 77 (9 August 2002), last amendment State Gazette 98 (28 November 2014)., 2002.
Law on Personal Data Protection. State Gazette 1 (4 January 2002), last amendment State Gazette 15 (15 February 2013), 2002.
Law on State Control., 2002.
Law on the Armed Forces of the Republic of Slovenia., 2002.
Law on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy. State Gazette 63 (28 June 2002), last amendment State Gazette 98 (28 November 2014), 2002.
Law on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy. State Gazette 63 (28 June 2002), last amendment State Gazette 98 (28 November 2014), 2002.
Boudriga, Noureddine, and Salah Benabdallah. Laying out the Foundation for a Digital Government Model, Case Study: Tunisia In Advances in Digital Government: Technology, Human Factors, and Policy, Edited by W. McIver and A. K. Elmagarmid. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Ratchev, Valeri. Lessons Learned from Security Sector Reform and Democratisation in Bulgaria In Geneva: Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces . DCAF Working Papers 96 , 2002.
Colombo, Alessandro, and Ana Lisa Veter Arellano. Lessons learnt from Flood Disasters. European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Technological and Economic Risk Management, Natural Risk Sector, 2002.
Cordesman, Anthony H.. The Lessons of Afghanistan. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2002.
Goldstein, Lyle J.. "Making the Most of Central Asian Partnerships." Joint Forces Quarterly, no. 31 (2002): 82-90.
Winkler, Theodor H.. Managing Change: The Reform and Democratic Control of the Security Sector and International Order. Geneva, 2002.
Manual of Fiscal Transparency, International Monetary Fund., 2002.
Caparini, Marina, and Philipp Fluri. "Mapping Civil Society in Defense and Security Affairs: An Agenda for Research." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1, no. 4 (2002): 51-62.
Van Ham, Peter, and Sergei Medvedev. Mapping European Security after Kosovo. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002.
