Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications I., Khaindrava. "Two Ossetias in the Context of Russian-Georgian Relations (Dve Ossetii v kontekste rossiisko-gruzinskih otnoshenii)." In Russia nd Georgia: In the Search of Solution (Rossiya i Gruziya: v poiskah vyhoda), 114-128. Gergian Foundation of Strategic and International Studies, 2011. Ideas of Erasian Integration of South Ossetia and Reunification with North Ossetia Discussed in Vladikavkaz (Idei evraziiskoi integratsii Yuzhnoi Ossetii i vossoedineniya s Severnoi Ossetiei obsuzhdayut vo Vladikavkaze). IA Regnum, 2014. Tensions Rise in Georgia’s Breakaway Regions. Radio Free Europe – Radio Liberty, 2013. Markedonov, S.. Russia and Abkhazia: Alliance and Integration (Rossiya i Abkhaziya: soyuznichestvo i integratsiya). Center for Political Technologies, 2014. The Government of the Russian Federation launched a discussion on the Treaty of Alliance with Abkhazia (V pravitelstve RF nachalos obsyzhdenie dogovora o soyuznichestve s Abkhaziei). The Caucasian Knot, 2014. Putin, Abkhazian president to meet, sign Strategic Partnership Treaty. TASS, 2014. Report by V.A. Chirikba to the roundtable on “Russian-Abkhazian Relations: Outlines of a New Level of Integration” (Doklad V.A. Chirikba na kruglom sole “Rossiisko-abkhazskie vzaimootnosheniya: kontury novogo urovnya integratsii”). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, 2014. Sushentsov, A., and N. Silaev. "Russia and Georgia: What Red Lines? Towards a Long-term Agenda of Russian-Georgian Relations (Rossiya i Gruziya: chto za krasnymi liniyami? K dolgosrochnoi povestke dnya rossiisko-gruzinskikh otnoshenii)." In Russia nd Georgia: In the Search of Solution (Rossiya i Gruziya: v poiskah vyhoda), 54. Gergian Foundation of Strategic and International Studies, 2014. By worsening the relations with Russia, it won’t be possible to normalize the situation in Ukraine (Ukhudshaya otnosheniya s Rossiei, normalizovat situatsiyu na Ukraine ne ydastsya) In Interview with an Expert., 2014. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. Scenario and ambitions for managing a trans-border political-military crisis: Implications for Bulgaria’s Defence Policy In CSDM Views., 2015. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. Defense policy and development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. "Introductory part." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Ratchev, Valeri, and Todor Tagarev. "Part 1: Rationalizing the Transformation of Defence." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. "Part 2: Force Structure 2018." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Ratchev, Valeri, and Todor Tagarev. "Part 3: The Integrated Defence Institution at Strategic Level." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. "In conclusion: Follow-up Steps." In Bulgaria's Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Spencer, Chris, and Vladimir Stemkovski. Enhanced public safety and intelligence: smarter analytics. IBM Emerging Technologies, 2010. International Telecommunication Union. Statistics and Database., 2014. Mobile World Congress 2010 In video recording of keynote speech by Hans Versberg, CEO and President of Ericsson., 2010. Evans, Dave. The Internet of Things: How the Next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything In Cisco Blog., 2011. The Internet of Things: Executive Summary In Source: ITU Internet Reports., 2005. Greenfield, Adam. Everyware: the Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing. Berkley, CA: New Riders, 2006. Internet of Things 2020 – Roadmap for the future In INFSO D.4 Networked Enterprise & RFID INFSO G.2 Micro & Nanosystems., 2008. Mitchell, William. "Smart City 2020. Emerging Technologies are Poised to Reshape our Urban Environments." Metropolis Magazine (2006). USD 39, 5 billion will be spent on Smart City Technologies in 2016 In Press release by ABI Research. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 … следваща › последна »