Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Smith, David J.. "The Saakashvili Administration’s Reaction to Russian Policies Before the 2008 War." In The Guns of August 2008 – Russia’s War in Georgia, 125. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2009. Frye, Timothy. "A Tale of Two Russian Narratives." Perspectives on Peace & Security (2014). McMahon, Robert. Ukraine in Crisis. Council on Foreign Relations, 2014. Kempe, Iris. "The Eurasian Union and the European Union Redefining their Neighborhood: The Case of the South Caucasus." In Caucasus Analytical Digest, 2. Vol. 51–52., 2013. Park, Jeanne. The European Union’s Eastern Partnership. Council on Foreign Relations, 2014. "Putin’s Prepared Remarks at 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy." Washington Post (2007). Cohen, Ariel. The Russian-Georgian War: A Challenge for the U.S. and the World In WebMemo 2017. The Heritage Foundation, 2008. Mearsheimer, John J.. "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault. The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin." Foreign Affairs 93, no. 5 (2014). Bandow, Doug. Ukraine Crisis Reminds Americans Why NATO Should Not Expand: Not To Ukraine, Georgia, Or Anyone Else In Forbes., 2014. Inozemtsev, Vladislav, and Anton Barbasin. "Eurasian Integration: Putin’s Futureless Project." Aspen Review – Central Europe 2 (2014): 71. Bayramov, Vugar. "Considering Accession to the Eurasia Economic Union: For Azerbaijan, Disadvantages Overweight Advantages." In Caucasus Analytical Digest, 14. Vol. 51–52., 2013. Lukyanov, Fyodor. "The Eurasian Union: An Experiment in Finding a Place in the New World." In Caucasus Analytical Digest, 9. Vol. 51–52., 2013. Giragosyan, Richard. "The Eurasian Union: A View from Armenia." In Caucasus Analytical Digest, 11. Vol. 51–52., 2013. The President of Kasakhstan Spoke against the Politization of the Eurasian Union (President Kazakhstana vystupil protiv politizatsii Evraziiskogo Soyuza)., 2014. CIS leaders will discuss the prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union at the Minsk summit (Lidery stran SNG obsudyat perspektivi Evraziiskogo Ekonomicheskogo Soyuza na sammite v Minske). TASS, 2014. Russian arms exports. Sputnik International, 2014. Two votes out of four – Armenia in EEU as a means of pressure on Kazakhstan and Belarus (Dva golosa iz chetyryeh – Armenia v EAES kak faktor davleniya na Kazakhstan i Belorussiyu). IA Regnum, 2014. Popescu, Nicu. Eurasian Union: the Real, the Imaginary and the Likely. Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2014. Khaindrava, Ivlian. "Asymetry: On the issue of Georgian-Russian Relations (Asimmetriya: k voprosu o gruzinsko-rossiiskikh vzaimootnosheniyakh)." In Russian-Georgian Relations: In the Search of New Ways (Rossiisko-gruzinskie otnosheniya: v poiskakh novykh putei razvitiya), 21. Moscow: Russian Council on International Affairs, International Center on Conflict and Negotiations, 2014. Economy for South Ossetia – Issue of National Security: Expert (Ekonomika dlya Yuzhnoy Osetii – vopros natsionalnoi bezopastnosti: ekspert). IA Regnum, 2013. Bibilov: The Treaty on Integration with the Russian Federation will Reflect the Interests of South Ossetia (Bibilov: Dogovor ob integratsii s RF otrazit interesy Yuzhnoi Ossetii). Ria Novosti, 2014. Medoeva, D.N.. Yuzhanya Ossetiya – Rossiya: vybor i resheniya. IA Res, 2011. Medoeva, D.N.. South Ossetia – Russia: Choice and Solutions (Yuzhanya Ossetiya – Rossiya: vybor i resheniya). IA Res, 2011. The Prospects of Development of South Ossetia after the Recognition of Its Independence (Perspektivi razvitiya Yuzhnoi Ossetii posle priznaniya ee nezavisimosti). Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, 2009. Russians on the Status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Rossiyane o statuse Abkhazii i Yuzhnoi Ossetii) In Press Release. Levada Center,, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 … следваща › последна »