Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Nazarbaev, Nursultan A.. The Eurasian union: ideas, practices, perspectives, 1994–1997. Moscow: Fond sodeystiya razvitiyu social’nyh i politicheskih nauk, 1997. Nazarbaev, Nursultan A.. A strategy for independence. Almaty: Atamura, 2003. Nazarbaev, Nursultan A.. "The Eurasian economic union: theory or reality." Izvestiya (2009). Declaration on the formation of a single economic space., 2010. Putin, Vladimir. "A new integration project for Eurasia – a future being born today." Izvestiya (2011). Lukashenko, Aleksandr. "On the fate of our integration." Izvestiya (2011). Amrebayev, A.. "President Nazarbaev’s concept of an “open Eurasian integration model and current issues of Kazakhstan’s national identity”." Kazakhstan in global processes 2 (2012): 47. Savin, Leonid. "The formation of an Eurasian geopolitical context." Kazakhstan in global processes 2 (2012): 34-44, 39. Eurasian Development Bank integration barometer – 2013., 2013. Transcript of 20 September 2013 meeting., 2013. Ordnance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine., 2013. Post-Maidan contours of Eurasian integration: transformation of constraints and prospects In Analytical report. Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia: Center for Geopolitical Research, 2014. Statement of the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs., 2014. Treaty on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union., 2014. ’ev, Glaz. With the signing of an agreement with the EU Ukraine will cease to be a full-fledged partner for Russia., 2014. "Glaz’ev acknowledges that the Customs Union has lost Ukraine." Fakti (2014). Nazarov, Erden. Kazakhstan after … . Almaty: Studiiya “Vektor”, 2013. Satanovsky, Evgeniy. "The Destabilization of Central Asia. A Repetition of the Arab Spring on Russia’s Southern Borders Is More than Possible." Voenno-promishleniy Kurier 6(524) (2014). Dolgov, Sergey. "Who Will Inherit Uzbekistan?" Ekspert 14 (2013). Malashenko, Alexey. Uzbekistan: No Transition yet Visible. Moscow: The Carnegie Moscow Center, 2014. Kislov, Daniil. Uzbekistan: Karimov’s Power Unshatterable. Ferghana Information Agency, 2014. Nazarov, Erden. "Rules for Power Transfers in Central Asia." Khronika Turkmenistana (2013). Cherkasov, Alexandr I.. Heads of State and Government in the Modern World (Constitutional and Legal Regulation and Norms). Moscow: Ekzamen, 2006. Kramer, Andrew E.. "Rumors About Uzbekistan Leader’s Health Set Off Succession Debate." The New York Times (2013): A14. Kazakhstan: Waiting for Change In Asia Report. International Crisis Group, 2013. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 … следваща › последна »