Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Biryukov, Sergey. "The All-Invasive Clientella." Svobodnaya Mysl 7 (2012): 32-33. Chirikova, A.E.. The Vertical of Power in the Assessments of Regional Elites: Dynamics of Change In Politicheskie issledovaniya. Vol. 6., 2008. Politburo 2.0 on the Eve of the Reset of Elite Groups In Report January–February 2013. Minchenko Consulting, 2013. "Verbatim record of the Statement of the RF President V. Putin to the Federal Assembly." Rossiyskaya Gazeta (2012). Exclusive interview with Vladimir Putin to Perviy kanal TV and the Associated Press. Vol. 4 August 2013., 2013. Statement of the RF President V. Putin to the Federal Assembly. Vol. 12 December 2013., 2013. Petukhov, Vladimir. Project to create conservative man for today’s Russia; social realities and prospects In Verbatim record of the Statement at the Round Table. The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev Foundation), 2014. Polyakov, Leonid. "Five paradoxes of Russian conservatism." Otechestvenniye zapiski 17, no. 2 (2004). "The President Headed on a Course for Conservatism." Nezavisimaya gazeta (2013). Manifesto of the Pan-Russian National Front. Mankoff, Jeffrey. "What a Eurasian Union Means for Washington." The National Interest (2012). Clover, Charles. "Clinton Vows Thwart New Soviet Union." Financial times (2012). The Eurasian Union or Western Privileges In a review of the Georgian press and comments by Georgian experts. InoSMI, 2012. Will the Eurasian Union solve the problems of the post-Soviet republics? In interview with Professor Fikret Sadykhov, Azerbaijan. Xinhua News Agency, 2011. Trilling, David. Uzbekistan’s Karimov Lashes Out at Putin’s Union. Eurasia, 2011. Karavaev, Aleksandr. The Vertical of Eurasia. Respublika KZ, 2011. Milyukova, Yana, Petr Netreba, and Yulia Zabavina. Russia buys the loyalty of allies issuing credits and forgiving debts. RBK daily, 2014. Draft European Security Agreement., 2009. Fedorov, Yuriy. "The State Armaments Program-2020: Power and Industry." Security Index 19, no. 4 (2013): 107. Dugin, Alexandr G.. The Fundamentals of Geopolitics. The Geopolitical Future of Russia. Moscow, 1999. Dugin, Alexandr G.. The Eurasia project. Moscow: Put Rasii, 2004. Dugin, Alexandr G.. The Eurasian Way as a National Idea. Moscow: Partiya Evraziya, 2002. Dugin, Alexandr G.. "The Eurasian View." Geopolitika (Geopolitics) 13 (2002): 15-26. Mustafin, A.G.. Evolution of the eurasian idea: From the classical to the modern “practical” eurasianism. The eurasian idea in a new world. Astana, 2011. Nazarbaev, Nursultan A.. "The Eurasian Union: From an idea to the history of the future." Izvestiya (2011). Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 … следваща › последна »