Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Corboy, Denis, William Courtney, and Kenneth Yalowitz. "Justice or Vengeance?" The New York Times (2012). Roks, Yuriy. "Georgia Has Lowered Its Rating by Itself." Nezavisimaya Gazeta (2013). Papava, Vladimir. "Georgian Economy in Search of a Model for Development." Mir Peremen 3 (2013): 54. Shatirishvili, Zaza. "National Narratives and New Politics of Memory in Georgia." Small Wars & Insurgencies 20, no. 2 (2009): 391-399. Surkov, Vladislav. We Are Overcoming Difficulties That South Ossetia Previously Met. РЕС Information Agency, 2013. RF Security Council: Russia Will Update Its Military Doctrine by Late 2014. RIA Novosti, 2014. Interview on ‘Radio Slovensko’ and Slovakian television company STV. Official website of the President of Russia, 2005. Interview on German television channels ARD and ZDF. Official website of the President of Russia, 2005. "Interview of I.S. Ivanov, secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council." Strategiya Rossii (Strategy of Russia) 4:16 4, no. 16 (2005). Press conference for Russian and foreign journalists. Official website of the President of Russia, 2004. Full text of interview of deputy minister G.B. Karasin of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rossijskaya gazeta. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2005. Press conference on results of U.S.-Russian talks. Vol. 25 March 2005. Official website of the President of Russia, 2005. Dmitry Medvedev answers Russian journalists’ questions. Vol. 16 April 2010. Official website of the President of Russia, 2010. Transcript of address by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.S. Ivanov at the concluding press conference of the third meeting of the Committee on a strategy for Russian-Polish cooperation. Vol. 26 November 2003. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2003. Transcript of press conference for Russian and foreign journalists. Vol. 31 January 2006. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2006. Beginning of meeting with Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov. Vol. 28 June 2005. Official website of the President of Russia, 2005. Vladimir Putin answers journalists’ questions on the situation in Ukraine. Vol. 4 March 2014. Official website of the President of Russia, 2014. Speech by Russian Federation Permanent Representative A.V. Kelin at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, Vienna 624-21-03-2014. Vol. 20 March 2014. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2014. Interview of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov by moderator of the program ‘Aktual’nyj razgovor’ V. Solovyov, 3 Kanal television company, 323-13-03-2011. Vol. 13 March 2011. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011. Message to King Muhammed VI of Morocco. Vol. 9 March 2012. Official website of the President of Russia, 2012. Meeting with Muslim clerics. Vol. 19 November 2011. Official website of the President of Russia, 2011. Interview of Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov on “Sky News Arabia” television channel, 1547-18-08-2012. Vol. 18 August 2012. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2012. From answers by Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov to listeners’ questions on live radio broadcasts on Golos Rossii, Radio Rossii, and Ekho Moskvy. Vol. 21 October 2011. Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011. Address by President of the Russian Federation. Vol. 18 March 2014. Official website of the President of Russia, 2014. Interview with Russian television channels. Vol. 26 April 2012. Official website of the President of Russia, 2012. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 … следваща › последна »