Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Zevelev, Igor, and Michail Troitsky. "Russia and China in the mirror of U.S. policy." Russia in global politics (2010). Lozansky, E.. Russia between America and China. Moscow: International relations, 2007. Salin, Pavel. "Three paths for Russia in Asia." Russia in global politics (2012). Russia’s Interests in the Asia-Pacific Region: Security and Development. Results of the First Asia-Pacific Forum. Мoscow: Izdatel’stvo “Prospekt” , 2012. Trenin, Dmitriy. True Friends? How Russia and China Perceive One Another. Мoscow: Center for European Reforms, Moscow Carnegie Center, 2012. Baranovsky, Vladimir. Trialog in the Asia-Pacific Region. Vol. 17 December 2012. Russian Council on Foreign Affairs, 2012. Lukyanov, Fedor. How Russia Can Profit from Confrontation between the US and China. Vol. 19 February 2013. Forbes, 2013. Lukyanov, Fedor. "We and the New Asia." Kommersant Ogonyok (2013). Lukyanov, Fedor. "Maneuvering is the most valuable thing." Rossiskaya gazeta (2012). Lukyanov, Fedor. "Why do we need America?" Rossiskaya gazeta (2014). Lukyanov, Fedor. The Chinese would not want Russia to suffer defeat. Vol. 24 March 2014. Kommersant-FM, 2014. Tavrovsky, Yuriy. Moscow – Beijing: A new strategic axis?. Vol. 6 March 2014. Zavtra, 2014. Lukyanov, Fedor. "A Logical Partnership." Rossiskaya gazeta (2014). World Publics Think China Will Catch Up With the US – and That’s Okay. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2007. Press release No. 1326. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), 2009. 22 Nation Poll Shows China Viewed Positively by Most Countries., 2005. 23-Nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey, U.S. Favorability Ratings Remain Positive, China Seen Overtaking U.S. as Global Superpower. Pew Research Center, 2011. Rising Concern about China’s Increasing Power: Global Poll. BBC World Service Poll, 2011. Kuznetsov, Dmitriy V.. China in the Mirror of Public Opinion. Blagoveshchensk: Izdatel’stvo Barnaul State Pedagogical University Press, 2013. As Hu Jin Tao, Obama Prepare to Meet, World Public Gives China, US Low Marks on Climate Change., 2009. Problems of the Far East., 2007. Buyarov, Dmitriy V.. "China in the Perspective of Public Opinion." Historical, philosophical, political and judicial sciences, cultural studies, and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice 3 (2009): 47-49. Danilova, E.N.. Russians and Chinese in an Era of Change: A Comparative Study in St. Petersburg and Shanghai at the Beginning of the XXI Century. Мoscow: Logos, 2012. Larin, A.G.. Chinese Migrants in Russia. History and the Present Day. Moscow: Vostochnaya kniga, 2009. Relations with China and the Gas Contract. Public Opinion Foundation, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 … следваща › последна »