Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Vladimir Putin press conference. official website of the President of Russia, 2012. Interview on Russian and foreign mass media., 2014. Vladimir Putin press conference 2013. official website of the President of Russia, 2013. Direct line to Vladimir Putin. official website of the President of Russia, 2014. Meeting with directors of world information agencies. Vol. 24 May 2014. official website of the President of Russia, 2014. Address by the President of the Russian Federation. official website of the President of Russia, 2014. Tetekin, V.. China is surging forward: G.A. Zyuganov on his trip to the PRC In interview. Vol. 29 January 2008. Sovyetskaya Rossiya (Soviet Russia), 2008. G.A. Zyuganov in ‘Pravda:’ China is the key to a new civilization. Vol. 28 May 2008. official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 2008. G.A. Zyuganov: China is taking long strides and looking far ahead. Vol. 7 November 2012. Official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 2012. Chairman G.A. Zyuganov of the CPRF CC: “China is the locomotive that is pulling other countries out of the economic crisis”. Vol. 15 November 2012. People’s Daily Online, 2012. G.A. Zyuganov – Russia-24: The CPRF will insist on forming a government of national interests. Vol. 12 January 2014. Official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), 2014. G.A. Zyuganov in ‘Pravda’: Reforms in China are working. In Russia they are only being talked about. Vol. 1 February 2008. Official website of the CPRF, 2008. Interview with G.A. Zyuganov for the newspaper Pravda on his trip to China., 2010. The Liberal Democratic Party Program (LDPR) Program: Foreign Policy In program. Official website of the LDPR, 2014. Vladimir Zhirinovsky on current events in Russia and the world, “Russia-24” Television channel, “Interview” In program. Official website of the LDPR, 2011. Speech by M.V. Degtyarev at the plenary session on the situation in Ukraine. Vol. 20 May 2014., 2014. Vladimir Zhirinovsky: We need a Far East boom. Vol. 21 February 2013. Official website of the Russia-Asia Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 2013. Where is control over Chinese farms?. Vol. 6 June 2013. Official website of the LDPR, 2013. 23 steps to rebirth. LDPR proposals on Far East development In LDPR publication. Moscow: Official website of the LDPR, 2014. "Nikolai Levichev participates in “Security and Cooperation in the South China Sea” conference." In Security and Cooperation in the South China Sea. Official website of A Just Russia, 2013. Mironov, Sergey. Sergey Mironov: Russia-China partnership is a foreign policy priority for our country. Vol. 19 October 2010. Official website of A Just Russia, 2010. Will Zhirinovsky’s prescriptions help the Far East? – The opinions of parliamentarians. Vol. 8 November 2013. Novosti Federatsii (Federation News) news agency, 2013. Mikhail Prokhorov proposes creating a conglomerate of the RF, Europe and Japan. Vol. 11 December 2013. Russkaya sluzhba novostey (Russian News Service), 2013. "Civic Platform sees Russia as a center of power." Kommersant (2014). Solomon Ginsburg: Fleeing Europe. Vol. 2 July 2014. Official website of Civic Platform, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 … следваща › последна »