Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Lakhno, V., D. Kasatkin, A. Desiatko, V. Chubaievskyi, S. Tsuitsuira, and M. Tsuitsuira. Indicators Systematization of Unauthorized Access to Corporate Information In Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks., 2022. Tortorella, Guilherme, Paulo A. Cauchic Miguel, Enzo Frazzon, Alberto Portioli-Staudacher, and Maneesh Kumar. "Teaching and learning of industry 4.0: expectations, drivers, and barriers from a knowledge management perspective." Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2022). Ho, Yick Oi Janet. Principles of Management in the Dao De Jing: A Grounded Theory Analysis in Light of Maharishi Vedic Science In Graduate School . Vol. Ph.D. Maharishi International University, 2022. Dimitrov, Nikolay. "Small Countries and Major Global Economic Players – the Nicaraguan Channel." Information & Security: An International Journal 51, no. 1 (2022): 37-46 . Angelov, Grudi. "Military Implications of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Tactics and Technologies." Information & Security: An International Journal 51, no. 1 (2022): 49-55. Bogdanov, Plamen. "Hypersonic Weapons in Achieving Maritime Superiority." Information & Security: An International Journal 51, no. 1 (2022): 57-71. Mygal, Valeriy, Galyna Mygal, and Stanislav Mygal. "Artificial intelligence as the cognitive value of heuristic models." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems 2 (2022). Bülbül, Nurefşan Sertbaş, Orhan Ermis, Şerif Bahtiyar, Ufuk M. Çağlayan, and Fatih Alagöz. Trust Enhanced Security for Routing in SDN In 2022 1st International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet). Paris, France, 2022. Buana, Dana Riksa. The influence of existential anxiety and ingroup favoritism on the role of authentic religious identity in overcoming religious extremism among Indonesian muslims In Faculty of Psychology. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Science. Tomsk: National Research Tomsk State University, 2022. Kachev, Ognyan. "Providing Physical Protection of the Vessel in the Event of an Attack at Sea and Ports." Information & Security: An International Journal 51 (2022): 73-78. Samkari, Esraa, and Norah Farooqi. "Trajectory Data Compression Using Speed-Course Threshold Followed by Adaptive Douglas-Peucker Algorithm." Information & Security: An International Journal 51 (2022): 79-88. Angelov, Grudi. "The Experience of Rakovski National Defense College in Organizing the Communication in the Educational Process During Covid-19 Pandemic." Information & Security: An International Journal 51 (2022): 89-96. Laksmi, Sylvia Windya. An Analysis of Government Capabilities in Countering Terrorist Financing in Indonesia. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Australian National University, 2022. Rad, Ebrahim Rezaei. "A Look at The Future Studies of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization During the Transition of International Order (Case Study: Islamic Republic of Iran)." In International Congress-2022 Future Dynamics in Asia., 2022. Petrova, Valentina. "Development of secure software." International Scientific Journal "Security & Future" VІ, no. І (2022): 39-42. Proença, Inês Patrícia. A inteligência artificial no combate ao terrorismo em Portugal-um: Estudo exploratório. Vol. Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Policiais. Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, 2022. Ciuperca, E.M., C.E. Cîrnu, A. Stanciu, and I. Cristescu. "Leveraging Socio-Cultural Dimension in Cyber Security Training." In EDULEARN22., 2022. Georgiev, Venelin. Productive and Counter-Productive Balance in Security In CSDM Views., 2022. Georgiev, Venelin. The ‘Balance’ As a Panacea for Achieving (Cyber)Security In IT4Sec Reports., 2022. Georgiev, Venelin. Cyber Security Capabilities Maturity Model Based on a Balanced Scorecard In IT4Sec Reports., 2022. Almén, Casper, Nicholas Hagström, and Jyri Rajamäki. "ECHO Early Warning System as a Preventive Tool against Cybercrime in the Energy Sector." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 11-20. Rajamäki, Jyri, Iiro Lahti, and Johanna Parviainen. "OSINT on the Dark Web: Child Abuse Material Investigations." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 21-32. Sharkov, George, and Wim Mees. "Enhanced Collaboration for Cyber Security and Resilience." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 7-8. Posea, Vlad, George Sharkov, Adrian Baumann, and Georgios Chatzichristos. "Towards Unified European Cyber Incident and Crisis Management Ontology." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 33-44. Jurgała, Piotr, Tytus Kurek, and Marcin Niemiec. "Preserving Privacy of Security Services in the SecaaS Model." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 47-64 . Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 … следваща › последна »