Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Ivantsov, Sergey Vyacheslav, and Aleksey Valeryevic Saranov. "Current Challenges in Combating Trafficking in Children in the Russian Federation and CIS Member States." All-Russian Criminological Journal 16, no. 1 (2022): 57-72. Sahal, Abdulkadir Mohamud. Human Right Violations by the Peacekeeping Forces in Somalia In Insitute of Graduate Studies International Law . Vol. Master’s Thesis . Nicosia : Near East University, 2021. Shah, Abdur Rehman, and Afsah Qazi. "Political Survival through Religious Instrumentalism: Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam Fazlur Rehman's Resistance to Madrassah Reforms in Pakistan." In Politics and Religion. Cambridge University Press, 2022. Jano, Dorian. "Albania Moving from Security Receiver to Security Provider." In Peace and Security in the Western Balkans: A Local Perspective. Taylor & Francis, 2022. Francis, Sunil. Sex Trafficking: The Plea of Modern Slavery., 2022. Redmond, Rachel. Social Media and Strategic Culture: An Analysis of Russian Information Warfare in the Twenty-First Century In Department of Political Science, Concentration TransAtlantic Studies. Vol. Master of Arts. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2022. Hall, Rosalie Arcala. "Pandemic and Beyond: Domestic Call-Out Operations of the Philippine Military." In Military Operation and Engagement in the Domestic Jurisdiction, 334-371., 2022. Ludvigsen, Kaspar Rosager, and Shishir Nagaraja. "The Opportunity to Regulate Cybersecurity in the EU (and the World): Recommendations for the Cybersecurity Resilience Act." arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13196 (2022). Fitriyani, Zenita Afifah, Yuyu Jahratu No Santy, Eka Indah Nur Laili, and Oktaviani Permatasari. "Is a Food Security Program a Solution in Family Economic Resilience? ." Mega Aktiva: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen 11, no. 1 (2022). Schwartz, Sebastian, Laura Guntrum, and Christian Reuter. "Vision or Threat -Awareness for Dual-Use in the Development of Autonomous Driving." IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (2022). Stucki, Max. Refleksiivinen Kontrolli: Systemaattinen Kirjallisuuskatsaus In Informaatioteknologian Tiedekunta. Jyväskylän Yliopisto, 2022. Aaltola, Kirsi, Harri Ruoslahti, and Jarmo Heinonen. Desired Cybersecurity Skills and Skills Acquisition Methods in the Organizations In 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security., 2022. Hytönen, Eveliina, Amir Trent, and Harri Ruoslahti. "Societal Impacts of Cyber Security in Academic Literature: Systematic Literature Review." In 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security., 2022. Nakayama, Bryan James. "Information vs the cyberspace domain ." Journal of Cyber Policy (2022). Raikes, Jonathan. Disaster risk reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals: Pre-disaster governance for integrated management in Canada and Australia. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Queensland: University of the Sunshine Coast, 2022. Nikolov, Petar, Desislava Hristova, and Vanya Stoycheva. "Modeling of flood regulation for ecosystem accounting: a case study of Ogosta river basin." Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society 46 (2022): 3-10. Schumann, Felix, and Michael Döring. The impact of digital transformation on Top Management Teams: A systematic literature review and analysis on the role delineation of the Chief Digital Officer and the Chief Information Officer In PACIS 2022 . Taipei-Sydney, 2022. K. Ludvigsen, Rosager, and S. Nagaraja. "The opportunity to regulate cybersecurity in the EU (and the world): recommendations for the Cybersecurity Resilience Act." (2022). Mässeli, Eemeli. Enäjän Informaatiopsykologinen Sodankäynti – Suomen Torjunta- ja Varautumistoimenpiteiden Määrittely In Informaatioteknologian Tiedekunta. Vol. Pro Gradu-tutkielma . Jyväskylän Yliopisto, 2022. Liua, Ben, Ratnasingham Tharmarasaa, Mihai Floreab, Rahim Jassemic, and Thia Kirubarajan. "Diver Tracking in Unknown Structured Clutter Background using a Force-based GM-PHD Filter." Signal Processing 200 (2022). Lazarov, Andon D., and Petia Petrova. "Modelling Activity of a Malicious User in Computer Networks." Cybernetics and Information Technologies 22, no. 2 (2022). Jiang, Tianjiao. "The Shift of China’s Strategic Thinking on Cyberwarfare Since the 1990s." Journal of Chinese Political Science (2022). Baraković, Sabina, and Jasmina Baraković Husić. "Cyber hygiene knowledge, awareness, and behavioral practices of university students." Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (2022). Amulya, Alamanda, Ragu Leela Venk Sai, Yaga Srivalli, Kunche Kavya, and Kalidindi Jyothika. "A Novel Approach for Analysing and Predicting the Online Money Transactions Using Machine Learning Auto Encoders." Journal of Engineering Sciences 13 (2022). Notarmuzi, Daniele. Information Diffusion in Online Social Media In n Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Indiana University, 2022. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 … следваща › последна »