Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Syed, Naeem Firdous, Syed W. Shah, RolandoTrujillo -Rasua, and Robin Doss. "Traceability in Supply Chains: A Cyber Security Analysis." Computers & Security (2021). Apte, Tejaswini, and Sarika Sharma. "Progression in Cyber Security Concerns for Learning Management Systems: Analyzing the Role of Participants." In Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Autonomous Systems in Industry 4.0. CRC Press, 2021. Caspari, Bernhard Christoffe. Norges forståelse av hybride trusler: Effektene av ulike konseptualiseringer på myndighetenes samarbeid In Det Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet. Vol. Masteroppgave i samfunnssikkerhet . Våren : Universitetet i Stavanger, 2021. Beason, Robert E., Marie Phelan, Sean Devine, Morgan Aiken, and Joel Orban. Evaluation of Hands-On Cybersecurity Skills Development. Idaho: Idaho National Laboratory - U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory operated by Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, 2021. Erlich, Aaron, and Calvin Garner. "Is pro-Kremlin Disinformation Effective? Evidence from Ukraine." The International Journal of Press/Politics (2021): 1-24. Makarjan, Hajk, and Jonas Rybråten. På hvilken måte kan russiske aktive tiltak bidra til å oppnå Russlands målsettinger på Svalbard?., 2021. Falkov, Yaacov. "Intelligence-exalting strategic cultures: a case study of the Russian approach ." Intelligence and National Security 36 (2021). Galieriková, Andrea, Matúš Materna, and Andrej Dávid. "Unlawful Acts in Maritime Transport & Civil Aviation: Nezakonite radnje u pomorskom prijevozu i civilnom zrakoplovstvu." Naše more 68, no. 3 (2021): 211-220. Song, Malin, and Weiliang Tao. "Research on the evaluation of China’s regional energy security and influencing factors ." Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 16 (2021). Benson, Kanyingi, Mwaruvie John, and Osamba Joshia. "The Rhetoric of ‘Speaking in Tongues’ amongst the Mbeere Mau Mau in Colonial Embu." African Journal of Education, Science and Technology 6, no. 4 (2021). Panicker, Lakshmi Priya. Russia’s Energy Strategy and Gas Disputes . E-International Relations, 2021. Pekas, Karlo. Digitalizacija u javnom sektoru na primjeru sustava e-Građani. Vol. Master's thesis / Diplomski rad. University of Zadar / Sveučilište u Zadru, 2021. Harnoš, Patrik, and L’ubomír Dedera. "DSL to Support the Process of Creating Security Documentation for Classified Systems." In 2021 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT). Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia, 2021. McCormack, John, and Tim Burnett. "Defence acquisition." In Managing Security, 17. Routledge, 2021. Chan, Elvis M.. Fighting Bears and Trolls: An Analysis of Social Media Companies and U.S. Government Efforts to Combat Russian Influence Campaigns During the 2020 U.S. Elections In National Security Affairs (CHDS). Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2021. Belo, Dani. Coercion in an Era of Gray Zone Conflict: Explaining Russia’s Responses to Declining Role in the Post-Soviet Region In Norman Paterson School of International Affairs . Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in International Affairs . Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University, 2021. Turns, David, and Anicée Van Engeland. "The legal framework for security." In Managing Security. 1st ed. Routledge, 2021. Shrivastava, Tanya, and Bharat Bhushan. "5 Blockchain-Based Cybersecurity Solutions for Industry 4.0 Applications." In Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Advances and Innovations, 69., 2022. Bhana, Bhaveer, and Stephen Vincent Flowerday. "Usability of the login authentication process: passphrases and passwords." Information and Computer Security (2021). Musau, Enock G.. "Antecedents and consequences of integration of supply chain information systems into the textile supply chain. A Kenyan textile supply chain perspective." Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 15 (2021). Rittipalin, Jitsupa. "Cyber Resilience Strategy: A Key guide to enterprise operations in digital age." NBTC Journal (2021). Cheng, Le, Yuxin Liu, and Yun Zhao. "Exploring the U.S. institutional discourse about critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP): a corpus-based analysis." International Journal of Legal Discourse (2021). Miranda, Jhonattan, Maria Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, and Arturo Molina. "Education 4.0 Reference Framework for the Design of Teaching-Learning Systems: Two Case Studies Involving Collaborative Networks and Open Innovation." In Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises PRO-VE 2021: Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0., 2021. Sions, Arthur. Cyberincident Responders’ Perceptions of Sharing Cyberthreat Intelligence: A Generic Qualitative Inquiry. Capella University, 2021. McKoy, Coleman. Law Enforcement Officers’ Perceptions in Combating Cybercrime at the Local Level . Walden Universit, 2021. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 … следваща › последна »