Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Tagarev, Todor, and Lidia Velkova. "Scenarios for Resource Allocation to Bulgaria’s Defense in the Horizon of 2035." Journal of Defense Management 4, no. 1 (2014). Alberts, David S.. The agility advantage: a survival guide for complex enterprises and endeavors In DoD Command and Control Research Program. Washington, DC, 2011. Coates, Joseph F., and Jerome C. Glenn. Normative Forecasting In Futures Research Methodology. USA: The Millennium Project, United Nations University, 2011. The NATO Defence Planning Process. NATO A-Z., 2014. Global Strategic Trends - Out to 2045 In Strategic Trends Programme. 5th ed. London, UK: Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, MOD, 2014. Multiple Futures Project: Navigating Towards 2030 In Final Report. NATO, 2009. Jovanović, M., and J. Burbiel. "The Evolving Concept of Security: A Critical Evaluation Across Four Dimensions." In Future Security Conference 2014. Berlin, 2014. Tagarev, Todor, and Lidia Velkova. "Economic Aspects of the Development of a Vision for Bulgaria’s Defense till 2035." In Conference on the Reforms in Bulgaria’s Security Sector. Sofia: New Bulgarian University, 2014. Brazova, Vera-Karin. "Polish Civil Security in Regional Context." Przegląd Strategiczny 7 (2014). Calderoni, Francesco, David Skillicorn, and Quan Zheng. "Inductive Discovery of Criminal Group Structure Using Spectral Embedding." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 49-66. Dinev, Yavor. "Legal Considerations of Intelligence Operations in Countering Transnational Organised Crime." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 07-47. Tagarev, Todor. "Intelligence, Crime and Cybersecurity." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 05-06. Duijn, Paul A. C., and Peter P. H. M. Klerks. "Social Network Analysis Applied to Criminal Networks: Recent Developments in Dutch Law Enforcement." In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security, 121-159. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Sparrow, Malcolm K.. "Network vulnerabilities and strategic intelligence in law enforcement." International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 5, no. 3 (1991): 255-274. Duijn, Paul A. C., Victor Kashirin, and Peter M. A. Sloot. "The Relative Ineffectiveness of Criminal Network Disruption." Scientific Reports 4 (2014). Lupsha, Peter. "Steps Toward a Strategic Analysis of Organized Crime." The Police Chief (1980): 36-38. Lupsha, Peter. "Networks vs. Networking: Analysis of an Organized Crime Group." In Career Criminals. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1983. Davis, Roger. "Social Network Analysis: An Aid in Conspiracy Investigations." FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (1981): 50, 12, 11-19. Ianni, Francis, and Elizabeth Reuss-Ianni. "Network Analysis." In Criminal Intelligence Analysis, 67-84. Loomis, CA: Palmer Enterprises, 1990. Sparrow, Malcolm K.. "The application of network analysis to criminal intelligence: An assessment of the prospects." Social Networks 13, no. 3 (1991): 251-274. Jackson, Janet, and Janet Herbrink. Profiling Organised Crime: The Current State of the Art In Report NSCR. Leiden: Netherlands Institute for the Study of Criminality and Law Enforcement (NISCALE), 1996. Jackson, Janet, Janet Herbrink, and Robert Jansen. "Examining Criminal Organizations: Possible Methodologies." Transnational Organized Crime (1996): 2, 4, 83-105. McAndrew, Duncan. "The Structural Analysis of Criminal Networks." In The Social Psychology of Crime: Groups, Teams and Networks. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 1999. , and Jeffrey Scott. "Organized Crime: A Social Network Approach." Crime, Law and Social Change 32, no. 4 (1999): 301-323. Spielman, Daniel. "Spectral Graph Theory." In Combinatorial Scientific Computing, 495-524. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science, CRC Press, 2012. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 … следваща › последна »