Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Kim, Yong-Shik, and Keum-Shik Hong. "A tracking algorithm for autonomous navigation of AGVs in an automated container terminal." Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 19, no. 1 (2005). Jun, Chang, and Jī jī. "直升机机载雷达对地多目标跟踪研究." 信息与电子工程 3, no. 3 (2005). Jun, Chang. "Ground multi-target tracking filtering technology (地面多目标跟踪滤波技术)." Telecommunications technology 46, no. 1 (2006). A.Sytnik, A., N.V. Raevsky, V.E. Shadhin, and V.V. Velichko. "Сравнительный анализ дискретизированных кинематических моделей в части оценки характеристик точности при использовании в алгоритмах оптимальной фильтрации." Черкаського державного технологічного університету 4 (2010). Yunwen, Zhang, Yao Jingshun, and Dong Tianzhong. "IMM model group selection and parameter setting (IMM 模型组的选择与参数的设定)." Journal of System Simulation 25, no. 004 (2013). Pahsa, Alper. "Hava Trafik Kontrolu Benzetiminde Etkileşimli Çoklu Model (Interacting Multiple Model-Imm) Kestirim Performansi Ve Kalman Filtresi İlekarşilaş..." Journal of Aeronautics & Space Technologies/Havacilik ve Uzay Teknolojileri Dergisi 3, no. 4 (2008). Molodilo, Diana.. "The Impact of Civilian Control on Contemporary Defense Planning Systems: Challenges for South East Europe." In NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA., 2011. Mbrojtjes, Akademia e, and Spiro Moisiu. "Skenarë dhe koncepte operacionale." In REVISTA USHTARAKE ., 2011. Moisiu, Spiro. "Skenarë dhe koncepte operacionale." In REVISTA USHTARAKE., 2011. Shalamanov, Velizar. "Security Sector Reform in Bulgaria." In Defence and Security Sector Governance and Reform in South East Europe: Insights and Perspectives., 2003. Nagarajan, Nishatha. Target tracking via marine radar. The University of Toledo, 2012. Alexiev, K. "Simulation of Distributed Sensor Networks." In Advances and Challenges in Multisensor Data and Information Processing ., 2007. Cardoso, LA Lisboa, Jesús García, and José M. Molina. "Requirements for Supervised Fusion Adaption at Level 1 of JDL Data Fusion Model." In International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2008. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. Lou, Eric Choen Weng, and Mustafa Alshawi. "Critical success factors for e-tendering implementation in construction collaborative environments: people and process issues." Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon) 14 (2009). Kharchenko, Vyacheslav, and Myhailo Ahtyamov. Security assessment and green issues of FPGA-based information & control systems In Digital Technologies (DT), 2013 International Conference on, pp. 185-190. IEEE, 2013. Janáková, Veronika. Připravenost Ukrajiny na vstup do NATO In Fakulta Sociálních Studií, Katedra Mezinárodních Vztahů A Evropských Studií. Vol. Magisterská práce. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2010. Michael, Lee. A Comparative Study of Defense Reforms in Eastern European Nations In NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA., 2010. Marczuk, Karina Paulina, and Dariusz Popławski. Trzecia opcja: gwardie narodowe w wybranych państwach Basenu Morza Śródziemnego. Fundacja Studiow Miedzynarod, 2007. Prezelj, Iztok. The Fight Against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Batkans. IOS Press, 2008. Hristov, Neno, Ivo Radulov, Petko Iliev, and Plamena Andreeva. "Prioritization methodology for development of required operational capabilities." In NATO RTO SAS-081 Analytical Support to Defence Transformation., 2010. Jonnalagadda, Srinivas, Arvind K. Sinha, Peter Hoffmann, and Daniel P. Schrage. A System Approach to Helicopter Upgrade for Anti-Submarine Operations In 9th ANZSYS Conference, Systems in Action. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2003. Baev, Jordan, Edwin Micewski, and eds.. Civil-Military Relations Postgraduate Program. Civil-Military Relations Teaching Guide and Curriculum In Special edition 1/2005 . Vienna: National Defense Academy, 2004. . Защита на морския суверенитет. Варна : ВВМУ „Н.Й. Вапцаров”, 2008. Zrnić, Bojan. "The new trends in defence planning and their impact on the defence planning systems in transitional countries." Vojno delo vol. 60, no. 1 (2008): 25-47. Molodilo, Diana. Defense Planning Reform in the Republic of Moldova and Civilian Control as a Key Requirement for Effective Defense Planning In The Complex And Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment. Buharest: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference STRATEGIES XXI , 2012. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 … следваща › последна »