Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications da Veiga, Adéle, Liudmila Astakhova, Adéle Botha, and Marlien Herselman. "Defining Organizational Information Security Culture – Perspectives from Academia and Industry." Computers & Security (2020). Sforzin, Alessandro, Félix Gómez Mármol, Mauro Conti, and Jens-Matthias Bohli. RPiDS: Raspberry Pi IDS - A Fruitful Intrusion Detection System for IoT In Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Compu-ting, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress., 2016. Suryotrisongko, Hatma, and Yasuo Musashi. Review of Cybersecurity Research Topics, Taxonomy and Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspective In IEEE 12th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2019. Kikuchi, Masato, and Takao Okubo. Power of Communication Behind Extreme Cybersecurity Incidents In 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress., 2019. Bridges, Robert, Tarrah Glass-Vanderlan, Michael Iannacone, Maria Vincent, and Qian Chen. "Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems Leveraging Host Data." ACM Comput. Surv. 52, no. 6 (2020). Zhao, Hao, Yaokai Feng, Hiroshi Koide, and Kouichi Sakurai. An ANN Based Sequential Detection Method for Balancing Performance Indicators of IDS In Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). Nagasaki, Japan, 2017. Yeo, Liu Hua, Xiangdong Che, and Shalini Lakkaraju. "Understanding Modern Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey." arXiv:1708.07174 (2017). Liao, Hung-Jen, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Ying -Chih, and Kuang-Yuan Tung. "Review: Intrusion detection system: A comprehensive review." Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2013). "Kubernetes scalability and performance SLIs/SLOs." GitHub (2020). Sharkov, George, Yavor Papazov, Christina Todorova, Georgi Koykov, Martin Georgiev, and Georgi Zahariev. Cyber Threat Map for National and Sectoral Analysis In Computer and Communications Engineering, Workshop on Information Security 2019, 9th Balkan Conference in Informatics., 2019. Ojagbule, Olajide, Hayden Wimmer, and Rami J. Haddad. "Vulnerability Analysis of Content Management Systems to SQL Injection Using SQLMAP." In IEEE, SoutheastCon 2018 . St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 2018. Nissen, Christopher A., John E. Gronager, Robert S. Metzger, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, and Harvey Rishikof. Deliver Uncompromised: A Strategy for Supply Chain Security and Resilience. Washington, DC: MITRE, 2019. Schauer, Stefan, Martin Stamer, Claudia Bosse, Michalis Pavlidis, Haralambos Mouratidis, Sandra König, and Spyros Papastergiou. An Adaptive Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management Methodology In Hamburg International Conference on Logistics, Project: MITIGATE., 2017. Hausken, Kjell, and Gregory Levitin. "Review of systems defense and attack models." International Journal of Performability Engineering 8, no. 4 (2012): 355-366. Cooke, Nancy, Michael Champion, Prashanth Rajivan, and S. Jariwala. "Cyber Situation Awareness and Teamwork." EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety 1, no. 13 (2013). Gupta, Maanak, Mahmoud Abdelsalam, Sajad Khorsandroo, and Sudip Mittal. "Security and Privacy in Smart Farming: Challenges and Opportunities." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 1-21. McGuinness,., and L. Foy. A Subjective Measure of SA: The Crew Awareness Rating Scale (CARS) In First Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference. Savannah, Georgia, 2000. Onwubiko, Cyril, and Thomas Owens. "Review of Situational Awareness for Computer Network Defense." In Situational Awareness in Computer Network Defense: Principles, Methods and Applications. International Science Reference, 2011. Popper, Karl. Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. London: Routledge Classics, 2009. Ilves, Luukas, Timothy Evans, Frank Cilluffo, and Alec Nadeau. "European Union and NATO Global Cybersecurity Challenges: A Way Forward." PRISM 6, no. 2 (2016). Simola, Jussi, and Martti J. Lehto. National Cyber Threat Prevention Mechanism as a part of the E-EWS In International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security., 2020. Simola, Jussi. "Comparative Research of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Models: The Common Cyber Ecosystem of ECHO." In Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience (DIGILIENCE 2019). Sofia, 2019. DPIA pre-assessment Report, v0.2. ECHO, 2019. Henriksen-Bulmer, Jane. Incorporating contextual integrity into privacy decision making: a risk based approach . Bournemouth University, 2019. Franke, Ulrik, and Joel Brynielsson. "Cyber situational awareness - A systematic review of the literature." Computers & Security 46 (2014): 18-31. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 … следваща › последна »