Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Baker, Al, and William K. Rashbaum. "Police Find Car Bomb in Times Square." New York Times (2010). Jamah, Ally. Heavy-handed Counter-Terrorism Tactics Added Pepper to Injury This Year. Standard Digital News, 2014. Doherty, Carroll. Balancing Act: National Security and Civil Liberties in Post-9/11 Era. Pew Research Center Fact Tank, 2013. Baker, David Mc. A.. "The Effects of Terrorism on the Travel and Tourism Industry." International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 2, no. 1 (2014): 64-5. Dagher, Sam. "Fresh Paint and Flowers at Iraqi House of Horrors." New York Times (2009). Vain, Jüri, and Vyacheslav Kharchenko. "Enhanced Education for Cybersecurity and Resilience." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 1 (2016): 5-8. Sanders, Deborah. "The Bulgarian Navy after the Cold War: Challenges of Building and Modernizing an Effective Navy." Naval War College Review 68, no. no. 2 (2015). Иванова, Петя. "Новите технологии и темпът на развитие на отбранителните системи." Военен журнал т. 109, no. бр. 2. Gramatikov, Plamen. "Civil-Military Collaboration in Complex Emergencies." In Fight the Consequences of Terrorism and Disasters . Ion Apostol, Jumber Mamasakhlisi, Doritt Subotta, and Dieter W G Reimer ed. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2015. Topham, Luke, Kashif Kifayat, Younis A. Younis, Qi Shi, and Bob Askwith. "Cyber Security Teaching and Learning Laboratories: A Survey." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 1 (2016): 51-80. Boyarchuk, Artem, Oleg Illiashenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, and Jüri Vain. "Serein Project: Modernization of Postgraduate Studies on Security and Resilience for Human and Industry Related Domains." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 1 (2016): 29-48. Pot, ii, Oleksandr V., and Roman V. Oliynykov. "Ukrainian Educational System in the Field of Cybersecurity." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 1 (2016): 11-27. Cabinet Office. The UK Cyber Security Strategy Protecting and Promoting the UK in a Digital World., 2011. Shaw, R, S Charlie, Chen C Albert, L Harris, and Hui-Jou Huang. "The Impact of Information Richness on Information Security Awareness Training Effectiveness." Computer & Education 52 (2009): 182-195. Reece, R P., and B C. Stahl. "The Professionalization of Information Security: Perspectives of UK Practitioners." Computers & Security 48 (2015): 182-195. Yan, Chenyang. Build a Laboratory Cloud for Computer Network Education. Singapore: ICCSE, 2011. Pastor, Vicente, Gabriel Diaz, and Manuel Castro. State-of-the-art Simulation Systems for Information Security Education, Training and Awareness. EDUCON, 2010. Andel, Todd R., Kyle E. Stewart, and Humphries W. Jeffrey. Using Virtualization for Cyber Security Education adn Experimentation. CISSE, 2010. Hu, Dong, and YuYan Wang. Teaching Computer Security using Xen in a Virtual Environment. ISA, 2008. Carlsson, Anders, Rune Gustavsson, Leo Truksans, and Martens Balodis. Remote Security labs in The Cloud ReSeLa. EDUCON, 2015. Marsa-Marestre, Ivan, Enrique Hoz, Jose M. Guzman, and Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona. "Design and Evaluation of a Learning Environment to Effectively Provide Network Security Skills." Computers & Education 69 (2013): 225-36. Xu, Le, Dijiang Huang, and Wei-Tek Tsai. "Cloud-based Virtual Laboratory for Network Security Education." IEEE Transactions on Education 5 (2014): 145-150. Nagarajan, Ajay, Allbeck M Jan, Arun Sood, and Janssen J Terry. Exploring Game Design for Cybersecurity Training. Bangkok: CYBER, 2012. Locasto, Michael E., and Sara Sinclair. An Experience Report on Undergraduate Cyber-Security Education and Outreach. ACEIS'09, 2009. Computer Science Curricula 2013. ACM, 2013. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 … следваща › последна »