Todor Tagarev IntroductionShort CV Professor in the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and member of the IICT Scientific Board, Head of the Centre for Security and Defence Management.Security and defence planner combining governmental experience with sound theoretical knowledge and background in cybernetics, complexity, and security studies; Specializing in cybersecurity, cyber defence, and crisis management, primarily from organizational management perspective; Considerable expertise in leading and participating in national and international research teams. Defence minister in Bulgaria's Caretaker Government, March-May 2013.Editor-in-Chief of Information & Security: An International Journal and the DCAF series in Security and Defence Management, member of the Editorial Boards of Connections: The Quarterly Journal and the Journal of Defense Management, co-chair of the Steering Committee of the DIGILIENCE series of conferences.List of publications in this databaseProfile at Google ScholarYou may check the tabs above for additional information. Full profile Previous positions and functionsIn research organizations: Director of the Bulgarian Defence Institute (May 2016 - Apr 2017); Head of the IT for Security Department (Oct 2010 - Apr 2016) in the Institute of ICT and senior researcher in its predessessor - the Institute for Parallel Pocessing (Apr 2008 - Aug 2009) and the Space Research Institute (Oct 2001 - Jan 2005; Feb 1997 - Nov 1998), researcher in the Institute of Control and Systems Research (Apr 1995 - Jan 1997).In higher education: Visiting Professor at the Bulgarian Naval Academy (2021-...); Head of the "Security and Defence Management" Department of the "G.S. Rakovski" Defence Academy (Feb 2005 - March 2008); Assistant Professor in Bulgaria's Air Force Academy (Dec 1989 - Aug 1992)In Government: Minister of Defence (March - May 2013); Advisor to the Minister of Defence (Sep 2009 – Sep 2010); Director, Armaments Policy Directorate and National Armaments Director (May – Sep 2001); Director, Defence Planning Directorate, Ministry of Defence (Nov 1998 – Apr 2001); officer in the Air Force till September 1994.In R&T organization and cooperation: Member of EDA's R&T Steering Board and NATO's Science and Technology Board (May 2016 - Apr 2017); Member of RTB and National representative at the RTO System Analysis and Studies panel (Feb 2005 – Mar 2008), partner country representative at NATO's Research and Technology Board (1999-2001); Program Director at the Centre for National Security and Defence Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (May 2002 - August 2009)Education and degreesFull Professor in the "Application of principles and methods of cybernetics in various scientific areas" (Institute of ICT, 2014)Associate Professor ("G.S. Rakovski" Defence Academy, 2005)Senior Researcher (Space Research Institute, 1999)Distinguished Graduate of the US Air Command and Staff College (1994)PhD degree (N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, 1989)Diplom Engineer (M.Sc. degree) in Automatics and telemechanics (Air Force Academy, 1982)Selected cources"Regional Cooperation to Improve Cybersecurity International Norms and Policy Best Practices", George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 2017"Measuring Results of Organizational Performance" and "Strategies for Process Improvement", Information Resource Management College, National Defense University, US, 2008"International Security Problems of Central Europe, The Baltics, and the Balkans", Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), Paris, 1999International Course of National Security, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, 1995Other functionsMember of the Group of Senior Experts, appointed by the NATO Secretary General to review and propose improvements in the governance of the common funded capability delivery, November 2016-April 2017Senior National Delegate for the Long-Term Review of the European Defence Agency, November 2016-April 2017Member of the European Leadership NetworkAssociate Senior Fellow, Defence Management, of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) since 2005Advisor to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on defence planning and resource management issues, 2005 – 2011Selected publicationsDigital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience of Modern SocietiesTowards the Design of a Collaborative Cybersecurity Networked Organisation: Identification and Prioritisation of Governance Needs and ObjectivesA Taxonomy of Crisis Management FunctionsComputationally intensive functions in designing and operating distributed cyber secure and resilient systemsHybrid Warfare: Emerging Research TopicsCyber Security and Resilience of Modern Societies: A Research Management ArchitectureCybersecurity: A Generic Reference CurriculumEditor and lead author of the NATO-DCAF volume “Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices,” featuring 27 contributors from 12 countries and published in 15 languagesDefence Management: An Introduction, published in seven languagesFor a full list of publications in this database please check the respective tab above.AwardsInduction into the International Honor Roll of the US Air University, 2016Medal “10 Years in NATO” for significant contribution to Bulgaria’s integration into NATO, awarded by the Minister of Defence of Bulgaria, 2014Award by the Director of the Institute of ICT for “Contribution to the Development of the Institute”, January 2014Medal “For the Support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces”, awarded by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, 2011Award by the Commandant of “Rakovski” Defence Academy for “Best Faculty Member” of the Academy, 2006“For Dedicated Service Under the Flags,” 2nd degree, awarded by the Minister of Defence of Bulgaria, 1999Distinguished Young AFCEAn, 1994Award by the Commander of the Air Force for “Best Young Faculty Member” of the Air Force Academy, 1991 Project leaderChange Management in Complex Organizations under Uncertainty Foresight Security Scenarios: Mapping Research to a Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles (FOCUS)Metodology for Scenario-Based Planning of the National Defence System's Wartime Capabilities Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience (DRIVER)Evolving Concept of Security (EvoCS)Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data (OpenScienceLink)Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience (Driver+) Project participantA European Network of Excellence in Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet: Europe for the World (SysSec)Early recovery and consequence management in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters in the Greater Black Sea Area (CRISHOPE) Publications Tagarev, Todor. "Introduction to Programme-based Force Development." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 75-92. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009. Frorath, Gerd. "Managing Finances." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 93-123. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009. Treddenick, Jack. "Manpower Management." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 125-154. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009. van Eekelen, Willem Frederik. "Transparency in Defence Management." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 185-201. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009. Tagarev, Todor. Defence Programmes as a Language for Effective Communication In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2008. Tagarev, Todor. Democratic governance of the security sector: Defence Policy In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2008. Tagarev, Todor. Legal Basis of the National Security and Defence Policy In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2008. Tagarev, Todor, and Petya Ivanova. "Expanded Capability Portfolios to Steer Force Development under Strategic Uncertainty." In Specialist Meeting on Capability-Based Long Term Planning. Oslo, 2008. Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. Bulgarian Defence Policy and Force Development 2018. Sofia: Military Publishing House, 2008. Tagarev, Todor. Can We Measure Effectiveness and Efficiency of Defence Diplomacy, Public Discussion on “Defence Diplomacy” In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. Capabilities Based Planning: The Effectiveness of PPBES in Ensuring a Superior Output In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. Civilians in Defence Ministries: Competencies and Decision-making Roles, Public Discussion on “Role of Civilians in Department of Defence” In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. "Defence Policy: Scope, Main Components, and Relationships." International Relations /Mejdunarodni otnoshenia/, no. 1-2 (2007): 141-156. Tagarev, Todor. Lessons Learned from Multi-national Defence Cooperation in South East Europe In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. Methodology for Defence Planning in the Context of Security Strategy Planning In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. Main principles in setting defence R&T policy In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. "Methodology for Defence and Force Planning." In Methodology and scenarios for defense planning. Sofia: Ministry of Defence, Directorate "Defence Policy", Military Publishing House, 2007. Tagarev, Todor. "Introduction to Program-based Defense Resource Management." Connection: The Quarterly Journal 6, no. 1 (2006): 16. Tagarev, Todor. Program-based Resource Management: Guidance and Implementation In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. Tagarev, Todor. Relating Budget Decisions to Policy Objectives through Defence Programs In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. Tagarev, Todor. Role of the offsets for the development of the national defence industrial base In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. Tagarev, Todor. Security sector budgeting: main issues and good practices In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. Tagarev, Todor. Defence Planning: Strategic and Financial Aspects In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2005. Tagarev, Todor. Integrated Defence Planning: From National Security Policy to Force Planning In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2005. Pantev, Plamen, Todor Tagarev, Valeri Ratchev, and Viara Zaprianova. Civil-Military Relations and Democratic Control of the Security Sector. Sofia: Procon, 2005. Pages« първа ‹ предишна 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 следваща › последна » Courses Defence policy Defence Planning and Management Defence Management in English