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Cyber Security Body of Knowledge In IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing., 2018.
Cyber Security Challenges in Digital Economy In World Congress on Engineering WCE. Vol. vol. I. London, UK, 2018.
Cyber Security Issues in Smart Meter and Their Solutions." International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 18, no. 3 (2018): 99-109.
"Cyber Security: Paris Call of 12 November 2018 for Trust and Security in the Cyber Space. France Diplomacy, 2018.
Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion. Oxford Scholarship Online, 2018.
Cyber Threats in e-Government. Vol. Doctor of business administration. Northcentral University, 2018.
Cyber-attack Path Discovery in a Dynamic Supply Chain Maritime Risk Management System." Computer Standards & Interfaces 56 (2018): 74-82.
"Cyber-attacks and psychological IR perspectives: explaining misperceptions and escalation risks." Journal of International Relations and Development 21, no. 3 (2018): 523-551.
"Cyber-Energy Infrastructure Vulnerabilities in the Hybrid Warfare Environment: Some DoD Mitigation Efforts." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 2 (2018): 163-174.
"Cybersecurity – A Systems Perspective In Dynamic Positioning Con¬ference, Marine Technology Society., 2018.
Cybersecurity Framework. NIST, USA, 2018.
"Cybersecurity law." State Gazette (2018).
Cybersecurity Program Development for Business. Wiley, 2018.
Cyberspace as a Domain of Operations." MCU Journal 9, no. 2 (2018): 133-150.
"Cyberspace, Its Dangers and the Current Situation of Cyber Defense in Hungary." National Security Review 3 (2018): 5-21.
" Darwin: convolutional neural network based intelligent health assistant In 2018 Second International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)., 2018.
Data augmentation for improving deep learning in image classification problem In 2018 international interdisciplinary PhD workshop (IIPhDW)., 2018.
Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon, 2018.
Data Mining Algorithms for Risk Detection in Bank Loans." In Information Management and Big Data, 151-159., 2018.
"Data Relativities in the Transcending Digital Future In BISEC 2018. Belgrade, Serbia, 2018.
Datacenter – Part 2: What’s a Tier?. Network Alliance, 2018.
Datamining for Fraud Detecting, State of the Art In Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2018). Vol. 915., 2018.
The Day after Trump: American Strategy for a New International Order." The Washington Quarterly 41, no. 1 (2018): 7-25.