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Arafat, Yasser. Speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations. U.N. GAOR In 29th Sess., 2282nd plen. Mtg. at 861, 48. Palestinian Liberation Assembly Org., 1974.
Comtet, L.. "Sperner Systems." Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions (1974): 271-273.
Bondaruk, A.G., A.I. Denisov, P.E. Kurochkin, and R.Ya Samarsk, ii. "About the nature of modern movements of the Earth’s crust at the Krivoy Rog polygon (in Russian)." In In Contemporary movements of the Earth’s crust on geodynamic polygons, 67-73. Tashkent: Fan, 1972.
Partha, Chatterjee. "The Classical Balance of Power Theory." Journal of Peace Research 9, no. 1 (1972): 51-61.
Mullins, Willard A.. "On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science." American Political Science Review 66, no. 2 (1972): 498-510.
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction., 1972.
Damm, Carl, and Philip Goodhart. The Eurogroup. Brussels: North-Atlantic Assembly, 1972.
George, Claude S.. The History of Management Thought. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1972.
Girard, R.. La violence et le Sacré (Violence and the Sacred). Paris: Editions Bernard Grasset, Hachette Littératures, 1972.
Smith, J.C.. The Law of Theft. Second Edition. London: Butterworths, 1972.
Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and William W. Behrens, III. The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind . New York: Universe Books, 1972.
Leavitt, Harold J.. Managerial Psychology: An Introduction to Individuals, Pairs, and Groups in Organizations . Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1972.
Scott, J. C.. "Patron-client politics and political change in Southeast Asia." The American Political Science Review (1972).
Bailey, S.D.. Prohibitions and Restraints on War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Rados, D.L.. "Selection and Evaluation of Alternatives in Repetitive Decision Making." Administrative Science Quarterly (1972).
