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"Politics on the Nets: Wiring the Political Process ." New York: W.H. Freeman (1997).
"The Posse Comitatus Act: A Principle in Need of Renewal." Washington University Law Quarterly 75, no. 2 (1997): 953-954.
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Associated with Peacekeeping Duty in Somalia for U.S. Military Personnel." American Journal of Psychiatry 154, no. 2 (1997): 178-184.
"Preserving the Unipolar Moment: Realist Theories and U.S. Grand Strategy After the Cold War." International Security 21 (1997): 51.
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"Professional Military Education: An Asset for Peace and Progress In CSIS Study Group on Professional Military Education, Dick Cheney (Chair). Washington, D.C.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1997.
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"Proxy Signatures, Revisited." In Information and Communications Security (ICICS'97). Okamoto, Sihan Qing: Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
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