Export 21463 results:
Monitor Reference." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 196-213.
"Monitor Research Centers." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 214-220.
"Is more Necessarily Better? Advantages and Disadvantages of the Explosion of Information Technologies for Political and Military Preparedness." In NL ARMS – Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies, edited by J.M.J. Bosch, H.A.M. Luiijf and A.R. Mollema, 259-274., 1999.
"A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces In 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH ’99). USA: ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999.
A Multi-Level Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation In 1999 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Chicago, Illinois, 1999.
Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Using Hough Transform Track Detector." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 113-121.
"Multiple sensor fusion under unknown distributions." Journal of the Franklin Institute 336, no. 2 (1999): 285-299.
"A Multiple-Model Adaptive Kalman Filter Algorithm for Continuous Systems In Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. Vol. 51. Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999.
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation., 1999.
Napoleon: Network Application Policy Environment In 4th ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control. Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 1999.
National Military Command Center Concept of Operations In Draft., 1999.
NATO and Caspian Security: A Mission Too Far? In Project Air Force. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1999.
NATO and Russia in Kosovo." Perspectives 13 (1999): 15.
"NATO Beefs up Forces, Moves to Block Yugoslav Oil., 1999.
NATO Expansion: From Collective Defence to Collective Security." Perspectives 13 (1999): 66.
"NATO’s ‘Humanitarian War’ over Kosovo." Survival 41, no. 3 (1999): 104.
"NATO, the UN, and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects." European Journal of International Law 10 (1999).
"Networking the Security Community in the Information Age. Third International Security Forum and First Conference of the PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, 1999.
Networks, Netwar and Information-Age Terrorism." In Countering the New Terrorism, edited by Ian O. Lesser, David F. Ronfeldt, Michele Zanini, Brian Michael Jenkins, John Arquilla and Bruce Hoffman., 1999.
"New and Old Wars: Organised Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.
New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999.
The New Military Doctrine of The Republic of Bulgaria: Contribution of Communications and Information Technologies to Achieve National Security Objectives In C4/NCMC International Conference . Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999.
The New NATO Members: Will They Contribute?" In Strategic Forum 160 . Washington, D.C.: National Defense University, 1999.
"New & Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.