Export 21463 results:
Information Warfare: Hype Or Reality." The Non-Proliferation Review (1999).
"Information Warfare in the Context of Security-related Issues In RMA Breda: NL ARMS – Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies, Edited by J.M.J. Bosch, H.A.M. Luiijf and A.R. Mollema., 1999.
Information warfare principles and operations." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 141-157.
"Instytucjonalizacja bezpieczeństwa europejskiego. Koncepcje – struktury – funkcjonowanie. Warsaw: Scholar, 1999.
Integrating Topographical and Topological Data in the Estimation of the Actual Traffic Situation on Airports." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 23-32.
"Integrating Web, Desktop, Enterprise and Military Simulation Technologies to Enable World-Wide Scalable Televirtual Environments." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 149-160.
"An Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Stochastic Systems Control." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 102-112.
"Interacting Multiple Model Algorithms for Manoeuvring Ship Tracking Based On New Ship Models." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 122-137.
"International Conflict Resolution: Some Critiques and a Response." In Centre for Conflict Resolution citing International Alert, Goodhand & Lewer, Goodhand & Hume., 1999.
"International Humanitarian Law and the Laws of War In Preliminary Report for the Centennial Commemoration of the First Hague Peace Conference 1899 ., 1999.
Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Certificate and CRL Profile In Internet Draft, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), PKIX Working Group., 1999.
Interview with Bin Laden: World’s Most Wanted Terrorist." ABC News Online (1999).
"Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Theory and Applications . Heidelberg, Germany: Physica-Verlag, 1999.
Islam, Islamists, and Democracy." Middle East Review of International Affairs 3 (1999).
"The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
It’s awful that government now lives according to the laws of commerce (Це жахливо, що зараз уряд живе відповідно до законів про торгівлю)." Den’ (1999): 4-5.
"J9901: Federation Development for Joint Experimentation In Fall 1999 Simulation Interoperability Workshop. Orlando FL, 1999.
Jade - a fipa-compliant agent framework In PAAM’99. London, 1999.
The Joint Terrorism Task Force: A Concept that Works In FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin., 1999.
The Joint Theater Level Simulation In International C4/NMCC Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999.
Just War and Jihad: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on War and Peace in Western and Islamic Tradition . New York: Greenwood Press, 1999.