Export 21463 results:
International Security and Law EnforcementA Look Ahead In speech at the Law Enforcement and National Security Global Forum. Edinburgh, 2001.
The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes: China, Cuba, and the Counterrevolution." Carnegie Endowment Working Papers (2001).
"Internet, Civil Society and Global Governance: The Neglected Political Dimension of the Digital Divide." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 45-64.
"The Internet in China: Civilian and Military Uses." Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 159-173.
"Internet security experts of SRI International." New Yorker 28 (2001).
"Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Qualified Certificates Profile In The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)., 2001.
Introduction – Crisis and Emergency Management." In Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management.. New York/ Basel: Marcel Dekker, 2001.
"Introduction: European Security and the Enlargement of NATO." In Enlarging NATO: The National Debates, 6. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001.
"Introduction to Cryptography. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Iran and Chechnya: Realpolitik at Work." Middle East Policy 8, no. 1 (2001).
"Iran and the Caucasus: The Triumph of Pragmatism over Ideology." Global Dialogue (2001): 80-92.
"Iran’s Eurasian Strategy." Analysis of Current Events ACE 13, no. 2 (2001): 1-5.
"Islamic Mobilization: Social Movement Theory and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood." Sociological Quarterly 42, no. 4 (2001): 487-510.
"Islamskie orientiry Severnogo Kavkaza. Moscow: Gendalf, 2001.
IT Firms Unite to Share Security Info." Federal Computer Week (2001).
"IT-related Challenges Facing the Bulgarian Armed Forces and Their Performance Related Impact." Information & Security: An International Journal 6 (2001): 23-29.
"Is Jihad a Just War? War, Peace, and Human Rights under Islamic and Public International Law . Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2001.
Kautilya’s Arthashastra. Dimond Pocket Books, 2001.
Keeping Track of UN Peace-keeping: Suez, Srebrenica, Rwanda and the Brahimi Report In Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law. Vol. 5., 2001.
Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner—Meditations on the Jihadist Movement." Al-Sharq al-Awsat (2001).
"Kommentar zum Grundgesetz. 10th ed. Verlag Luchterhand, 2001.
Kosovo and the Limits of International Law." Fordham International Law Journal 25 (2001): 129-150.
"The Kosovo Conflict and International Law: An Analytical Documentation 1974–1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.