Export 21463 results:
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"Domestic Operational Law (DOPLAW) Handbook for Judge Advocates. Charlottesville, VA: Center for Law and Military Operations, 2001.
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"Dynamic Service Composition: State-of-the-Art and Research Directions. Baltimore County, Maryland, USA: Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, 2001.
Dynamics of Contention. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
The Dynamics of European Security Cooperation, 1945-91. London: Palgrave, 2001.
e-Business Readyiness: A Customer Focused Framework. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2001.
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"Effective Regulatory Control of Radioactive Sources In C&S Papers Series No. 9 (Vienna: IAEA). ”National Regulatory Authorities with Competence in the Safety of Radiation Sources and the Security of Radioactive Materials, 2001.
Effects-Based Operations (EBO): A Grand Challenge for the Analytical Community. Santa Monica California: RAND Corporation, 2001.
Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols In 12th Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms . Washington, DC, USA, 2001.
E-Government: Aspects of Security on Different Layers In 12th IEEE International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications “On the Way to Electronic Government. Munich, Germany, 2001.
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"Electronic Watermarking: The First 50 Years." In Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 225-30. Cannes, France: IEEE, 2001.
"The elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ecdsa)." International journal of information security 1, no. 1 (2001): 36-63.
"The Encyclopedia of Jihad." Faculty Publications and Presentations, Liberty University, 2001.
"The Encyclopedia of Jihad." Faculty Publications and Presentations, Liberty University, 2001.
"The End of Eurasia . Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center, 2001.
The End of Eurasia: Russia on the Border between Geopolitics and Globalization. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2001.
Engagement Abroad: Enlisted Men, U.S. Military Policy and the Sex Industry." Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 15 (2001): 621-654.
"Engagement Abroad: Enlisted Men, US Military Policy and the Sex Industry." Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy (2001): 15.
"Epidemic Spreading in Scale-free Networks." Physical Review Letter 86, no. 14 (2001).
"The essential guide to wireless communication applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.
Estimation and propagation of uncertainties during force-controlled execution of contact formation sequences In 10th Int. Conference on Advanced Robotics. Budapest, Hungary, 2001.