Export 21463 results:
Back from the Brink." NATO Review (2002).
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Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage.", xi and 14. New Delhi: Third Eye, 2002.
"Barcelona European Council. Presidency Conclusions In Press Release. European Council, 2002.
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"A Bed for the Night. London: Vintage, 2002.
Belief functions combination and conflict." Inf. Fusion Journal 3, no. 2 (2002): 149-162.
"Belief Functions Combination and Conflict Management." Information Fusion 3, no. 2 (2002): 149-162.
"Between the Necessity and the Impossibility of a ‘National History." In Clio in the Balkans: The Politics of History Education, 265-76. Thessaloniki: CDRSEE, 2002.
"Beyond Bin Laden." International Security 26, no. 3 (2002): 56-78.
"Beyond Defense Planning." In Transparency in Defence Policy, Military Budgeting and Procurement, edited by Todor Tagarev, 17-26. Sofia: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and George C. Marshall - Bulgaria, 2002.
"Beyond Defense Planning." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1, no. 2 (2002): 101-111.
"Beyond Teams: Building the Collaborative Organization In The Collaborative Work Systems series. Wiley, 2002.
Bin Laden’s $20m African Blood Diamond Deals In The Guardian., 2002.
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"Budget Transparency Initiative Secretariat, Yearbook on Defence Spending in South-Eastern Europe – 2001 . Sofia: Budget Transparency Initiative Secretariat, 2002.
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"Bulgaria for NATO 2002, Edited by Ognyan Minchev, Marin Lessenski and Valeri Ratchev. Sofia: Institute for International and Regional Studies, 2002.
Bulgarian Defence Resource Management System - Vehicle for Transparency in Defence Planning and Budgeting." In Transparency in Defence Policy, Military Budgeting and Procurement. Todor Tagarev ed. Sofia: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and George C. Marshall - Bulgaria, 2002.
"The Bush Administration’s Secrecy Policy: A Call to Action to Protect Democratic Values." Washington DC: OMB Watch, 2002.
""Bush Calls for New NATO Capabilities." BBC News (2002).
C4ISR Infrastructure – Armed Forces and Industry Modernization Tools In Privatization and Restructuring of Defence Industries, with a particular Focus on the Progress Achieved in South Eastern Europe. Sofia-Brussels: Economic Policy Institute and NATO Economics Directorate, 2002.
Calytrix SIMplicity - An MDA Approach to Distributed Simulation. Calytrix Technologies Pty Ltd, 2002.