Export 21463 results:
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"V. Landsbergis: įtaria Lietuvoje egzistuojant ‘Teisėjų partiją’., 2009.
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"Validating Security Protocols under the General Attacker." In Foundations and Applications of Security Analysis, 33-51. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009.
"The Value of Power, the Power of Values: A Call for an EU Grand Strategy. Brussels: The Royal Institute for International Relations, 2009.
The Value of the German Concept of Leadership Development and Civic Education - Innere Fuehrung - in Counterinsurgency Operations In United States Marine Corps, Command and Staff College. Vol. Master of Military Studies. Quantico, Virginia: Marine Corps University, 2009.
`Van Warschaupact tot Global War on Terror´: De invloed van het institutionalisme op de modernisering van het defensiebeleid en professionalisering van de strijdmacht van Polen In Historisch Perspectief. Vol. Master Internationale Betrekkingen. Universiteit Utrecht, 2009.
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Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Romania In Geografical Forum, University of Criova., 2009.
Walking Away from Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2009.
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"The Way Ahead: Reclaiming the Pashtun Tribes through Joint Tribal Engagement in Applications in Operational Culture. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University Press, 2009.
The Way to NATO’s New Strategic Concept In NATO Defense College Research. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2009.
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